Rise Of The Dragon Emperor

Chapter 81 Psychological Torture

For the first week , Ronan seemed to hold on while mentaining his sanity , but when day after day after day he started to eat food that tasted like sand his mind started to play tricks on him as he felt sick eventhough he was physically fine.

There was a constant urge to puke and his stomach always felt extremely constipated.

Apart from the food , the totally white surroundings started to make him feel uneasy as although he was free to practice martial arts and his elemental arts in this place , it was hard to concentrate with everything in sight being white.

On day one Ronan jokingly asked to himself ‘ Do you even remember the color blue? ‘ after being irritated by the constant white surroundings however on day 8 it was not a joke anymore as Ronan had trouble visualising the color blue .

Quickly realising what he had gotten himself into and the difficulty of staying in this place . Ronan understood that the hardest part was not the fact that they had to endure the loss of senses inside the cave , but the fact that they were free to leave whenever they wished to do so.

The freedom to leave at anytime made one’s will waver , as if it was confinement without consent , one would approach the suffering as if they had no choice but to suffer and endure , but with the option to leave …. it was self inflicted suffering which made matters even worse.

After consulting with the others , Ronan was given the advice that inside the cave of penance for one to last long the best thing to do was to have a clear goal and work towards it relentlessly .

It was the only way to mentain sanity in this torturous place and heeding to their advice Ronan started to plan his goal!

As Ronan had no idea about what was going on in the outside world he could only assume that the moment he showed his face to the real world , the three balancers would come knocking for his life.

Having already lost Karna , Ronan was not keen on loosing a family member as well who would have to die to protect the kid from the world order..

Ronan understood the challenges of the cave , however with the potential rewards in mind and the sanctuary that this place provided , he knew that it was his best chance to grow stronger at the moment .

If he stayed in this place for a full 3 years , he would have 12 chances to ask for rewards.

Out of those 12 chances , he would use one to send a letter to mother Sierra which left him with 11 chances to ask for rewards.

Ronan had a clear goal set in mind , which was to reach the Ascended levels as soon as possible which needed him to gain a total of 46 levels.

Vishvakarma said that one of the rewards he could ask for staying 3 months was to gain 5 levels.

Ronan could technically hence trade 9 chances out of the 11 to reach the Ascended realms however it would be too wasteful.

He could level up through intense training himself and having full faith in his own capabilities he decided that exchanging 5 rewards for a total of 25 levels would be enough. He could level up the rest in the 3 years time through his own hardwork.

Which left him with 6 chances to ask for rewards.

With the outside world having no techniques for the forbidden element , Ronan was curious if the god had some for him to train with.

Over the past few years having only trained in martial arts , Ronan’s elemental arts lagged behind significantly and having a good technique to help him improve that would take him a long way.

At the moment , Ronan wanted atleast 2 good movement techniques , 1 Martial arts and 2 good elemental arts to perfect. While he would save the last choice till the time came to wish for it.

Hence setting a clear goal in mind , Ronan started to train inside the cave of penance like a madman.

Having no other distractions in life and a lot of rage and unsettled emotions in his heart Ronan would train till his body could no longer move and sleep at that very spot before waking up the next day and restarting the training cycle.

Everyday Ronan’s mind would replay the scene of the balancers in their green robes stomping and kicking his sensei as Ronan would use that rage as fuel to intensify his training.


( Meanwhile In Avalon)

Augustus took a sip of his wine as he exhaled sharply . The complaints of his grandson were not something his old heart could handle very well.

Augustus said ” Kids these days mature so fast , i was shy to even hold your hand when we got married , i still can’t confess my love to you publically *cough* *cough* “.

Luna waved Augustus off as if he was a sly talker when she suddenly became concerned for Augustus’s well being.

* Cough * * Cough * * Violent Coughing *.

Augustus was coughing violently as he murmured only one word …. ‘ Poison! ‘.

The staff at hand immediately rushed to the medical dorm as Luna being the clever woman that she was instantly emptied the salt at the table in a glass of water and forcefully pushed it down Augustus’s throat as it instantly made Augustus vomit everything he ate out violently.

The poison that Maddy had used was enough to kill an elephant and it got absorbed very quickly in one’s body , however unluckily for her , grandmother Luna was very fast in her reactions and she made Augustus puke most of the poison out.

Even so the little poison that Augustus had already consumed made him have extreme difficulty in breathing as his body started to grow purple at a rate visible to the naked eye.

” DOCTORRR! CALL THE GODDAMN DOCTOR “. shouted grandmother Luna and the staff which had already ran off to search for the doctor even before getting instructed were already halfway there to the medical dorm.

In mere seconds 10 doctors rushed to the scene as healing spells and stabilization spells started being casted on the veteran warrior.

The doctor checked Augustus’s vitals and instantly started to crush herbs that could work as a counter to neurotoxin type poison as he administered the antidote to the paling patient.

If Augustus was an ordinary man he would have died 5 times by now , however the Draco family had a secret , a secret that saved Augustus’s life.

Ever since he was the leader of the phoenix clan , Augustus always suspected that one day he might be poisoned , hence he started to consume poison in small doses to build immunity against such an unlikely event.

He had practiced this for over 40 years now and the tolerance his body had built towards poison was inhuman at this point.

The only people knowing this secret were Luna and the head doctor of the royal family who carefully administered the poison to him in the first place.

It was this foresight which was the reason behind him not turning into a corpse at this moment as with the tolerance against poison in his blood , he gained a few extra minutes to live in which he was administered the antidote.

If Augustus had told anyone about the fact that he was ingesting poison for years now before this day , everyone would have taken him to be a senile old man , however it was not a joke anymore.

Augustus had not only used poison resistance treatment on his own body , but sneakily also made Alexander and both his grandsons consume small doses of poison as well , building their immunity too.

However while the details about this were a matter to be discussed later , at the moment the most important part was saving August’s life.

The next 60 seconds were critical as the doctor’s tried their best to flush out the neurotoxins from his body , as the head doctor administered to him a medicine that would make him sweat buckets full of water , flushing out all the toxin in his body.

It was the most nerve wrecking one minute for Luna in her entire life as her heart beated out of her chest to see the love of her life laying immobile while looking purple .

Thankfully the medicine worked and Augustus’s heart did not give out before the medicine showed it’s effects as Augustus quickly started to sweat purple droplets as his skin started to regain its natural color.

” WET WIPES , WET WIPES FAST “. the head doctor commanded in joy as this was a positive sign of recovery.

What followed was 15 minutes of intense treatment and care as 15 minutes later with a loud gasp , Augustus regained consciousness.

Luna brokedown in tears as all her strength crumpled once she knew that Augustus was finally okay as the only thing left behind was the horror of this experience.

Today Augustus had seen the gates of death and came back and it was not a small matter at all.

” WHOEVER DID THIS , WILL PAY ! “. Luna screamed at the top of her lungs as there was pure fury in her eyes.

While the male’s of the Draco family were not to be messed with , the females were even more dangerous when someone messed with their family.

Maddy had no idea as to what beast she just provoked , as she had made the biggest mistake of her lifetime.

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