Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 339

Soon, Sun Fang flew to Wan City along with Li Jing, who pickybagged on her husband’s back as if she rode a horse .

While they were flying, they could see black smoke and a forest fire from a distance away .

"Wifey, should we investigate that first?"

"No, we’ll meet with our uncle first . He might know something about the fire since he’s protecting Wan . "

Thus, they proceeded to Wan City . They flew down to meet with Huang Gai in the city hall .

As soon as they met this elite general, they received a piece of updated news .

"You all have come a bit too late . My scouts found the corpses of these Xiongnu ambushers . "

"Oh? Did you kill them all?"

"No, it wasn’t me . Someone else had done them in before my men got there . Did you see the forest fire on your way here? They cooked those Xiongnu over there . "


"We suspect that Zhang Tong’s supply convoy did it . Among the corpses we found, those provision escorts were also among the dead bodies . I think they ran into Xiongnu’s hiding battalion by chance or they were ambushed on the way home . "

Sun Fang and Li Jing looked at each other, and a smile appeared on their face .


"Uncle Huang, we will fly there and scout the perimeter . Can we go?"

"Sure . Do me a favor . Go and set a fire barrier for us, so the fire won’t spread to the city . While you’re at it, scout the mountain for me, too . I don’t want to see another Xiongnu battalion behind our main army . "

"Yes, sir! Wifey, let’s go!"

Both of them excused themselves and flew out to the sea of fire, searching for clues about Hua Shi and the supply convoy .

Huang Gai shook his head and sighed, "Hmm, reckless youths . Now, I’m worried about Bofu’s future . "




Meanwhile, Hua Shi had already returned to Wan City and booked an inn to rest .

While she was resting, she detected two presences of immortals in the city hall . As she glanced at her radar map and the name indicator, it was so easy for Hua Shi to find out .

’Li Jing and Sun Fang . Damn it all . Are they after me!?’

Hua Shi only rested for less than an hour after she had arrived in the city . Now, she had to book it and leave ASAP .

’Please don’t detect me! Please don’t see me!’

Hua Shi packed her clothes and changed her disguise into a male beggar . As she was about to rush out of the city, Li Jing and Sun Fang flew away toward the forest fire direction .

’Oh? They didn’t see me . Sweet!’

She returned to her inn and opened her clan chat .

Hua Shi: "How long will Feihong come to pick me up?"

Hua Shi: "I’m being chased by Sun Fang and Li Jing . It seems they want me dead . "

Li Feihong: "A day after tomorrow, sister . "

Li Feihong: "I’ve run out of gate usage . I can’t travel further!"

Hua Shi: "Tong, can you bribe Lilim to get Feihong a wing? This is urgent!"

Tong: "I did, and he has that cultivation method . "

Li Feihong: "I can’t awaken them now, sister . My best bet is only 30% . "

Hua Shi: "You sick bastard! What did you do in your last life that your virtues are so fucking low!?"

Li Feihong: "I’m so sorry (T_T)"

Hua Shi: "Friday, can you come? I need help!"

Dong Bai: "I’m sorry . Tong is suffering from soul injuries, and my contracted Lust is also affected . I can’t use my power until Tong recovered . Do you know that my body reverts back to a little girl again?"

Diaochan: "I’m not contracted with any demon, and my power has been stripped . I’m sorry, I also can’t help you at the moment . "

Tong: "Be patient, Sunday . I’ll make it up to you when you get back . "

Tong: "We all have our difficulties . Everyone is working hard to protect our home and our family . Please be patient . "

Hua Shi scratched her head with both hands in frustration, thinking that they were all useless in this critical time .

’I knew it . Coming out alone was a mistake . Once I get back to Ye or Julu, I’ll simply be a shut-in and do nothing about this war . ’

After giving birth to Zhang Min, Hua Shi began to dislike wars and battlefields as she enjoyed being a mother more . As a result, her mood worsened during the time she was stranded here .

’That’s it . I won’t join any battlefield after this! I want to live the life of an ordinary housewife!’




At night, Sun Fang and Li Jing returned as they could not find the trace of Hua Shi in the sea of fire .

They flew back and landed inside the city .

Sun Fang immediately walked to Huang Gai in the city hall, "Uncle, we’re back . "

"Did you find anything new?"

"Aside from the dead bodies, nothing new . We’ve completed a firebreak though . "

The firebreak was a gap, a road, or a plowed zone between the burnable areas in forests . These prepared gaps become the barrier that could stop the fire from spreading further . Sometimes, the locals burned a long line of plants, creating a burned border between forests or gardens to stop the fire .

Sun Fang had created a long circular trench around the forest fire, so they would not spread toward their city .

"Well done . You can use my guesthouse to rest . It’s in the official residential area . I’ll send someone to guide you there . "

"Thank you, uncle . "


Sun Fang and Li Jing strolled toward their new room . While Huang Gai’s servant was leading them there, Li Jing stopped her feet and stared into the direction of the outer city area .

"What’s wrong, wifey?"

Li Jing frowned, "She’s in this city . "


"The otherworlder! I don’t know if it’s Hua Shi or Xiao Wu, but one of them has to be in this city!"

"Are you certain!?"

"I’m not, but I have this tingling feeling screaming inside me . "

At this moment, Sun Fang also stared into the same direction and focused his sense . Soon, he also detected a dreadful presence .

"I think you’re right . "

Both of them stared at each other as they had the same thought .

The chance for killing one of Tong’s otherworlders arrived!

"Err, my lord, my lady?"

The servant trembled as he was afraid that he did something wrong . He was just guiding them usually, but both his superiors suddenly got irritated .

Li Jing smiled at the servant, "Oh, it’s not your fault . Bring us to the guesthouse . "

"Y-Yes, my lady!"

She whispered to Sun Fang, "We’ll head out before midnight . We’ll make use of the reset time, so we can use our skills twice . "

"Aye . When it’s 11 . 30, we’ll ambush her . "


Hua Shi did not sleep that night . Instead, she could not sleep! As two immortals returned into the city, Hua Shi could sense them from a mile away .

’Those two are back! I guess I have to leave here right now!’

She packed all her belongings into her inventory and rushed out of the city with her new horse . Looking at the time, it was 9 PM .

’Come on, faster!’


11 . 30 PM .

As promised, Sun Fang and Li Jing flew to the direction of the inn . Upon arrival, they could no longer sense the presence of Hua Shi .

"Is she gone?"

"Let’s ask around . "

Li Jing slammed the door with her fist, calling the owner out .

"This is an emergency inspection unit! We suspect that a criminal is resting in your tavern! Open the door!"

All rooms in the inn lighted their candles and lamps . All customers opened their windows to see what was happening outside .

As soon as they saw only a young man and a young woman, all customers thought that they were just crazy people .




Li Jing clicked her tongue . She summoned her soul and ordered it to get inside the building .

Because of the soul’s ghostly appearance, all residents inside the inn were scared and shocked . The owner of the inn was also petrified by the sight of this existence .

"Answer my question . Has there any lone traveling woman rested here?"

"Y-Y-Yes! There was one!"

"Where is she!?"

"S-S-She has already left! She checked out several hours ago!"

Li Jing summoned her soul back and turned to Sun Fang, "She has detected us and escaped . We should chase after her . "

"Then where are we looking? Did the owner say anything?"

"That girl left a few hours ago, but I have the general idea where she can go . If she’s retreating back to her territory, she will head north toward Xuchang . We’ll fly along the main road and scan through the area with our sense . "

"Let’s hurry then . This is our golden chance . "

As usual, Sun Fang summoned his soul and activated his flying skill . He carried Li Jing on his back and flew northeast, heading toward the direction of the Xuchang City of Cao Cao .


3 AM .

Hua Shi reached Bowang County, one of the nearest counties northeast of Wan City . As Hua Shi did not detect anyone coming after her, she sighed a relief .

’That was close! I’d rather not fighting those guys two-on-one!’

Unfortunately, she was stopped by the county guard when she approached the county gate .

"Halt! What are you doing there in the middle of the night!?"

"Ah, this can be annoying . "

Hua Shi fished out several nuggets from her inventory . They were the deposited gold that Hua Shi kept as the emergency stash for Tong’s forces .

20 Nuggets of gold were in her hands .

"Can you let me inside with this? Actually, a group of criminals is chasing after me . Can you protect me?"

The garrison glanced at the gold and grinned . The captain of the guards shouted, "We saw nothing here!"

Hua Shi laughed and shoved the gold nuggets to the arms of the captain, "Thank you for your understanding . Here are your rewards . "

"Of course . Again, we saw no one . "


3 . 15 AM .

Sun Fang and Li Jing arrived at Bowang County . They flew down and approached the gate to inquire about Hua Shi’s information .

"Halt! Who goes there!? What are you doing here in the middle of the night!?"

Just like when they met Hua Shi, the guard captain stopped Sun Fang and Li Jing .

Li Jing stepped forward, "We’re officials from Wan City . A criminal escaped from our prisoner convoy and fled in this direction . Have you seen a suspicious woman coming here?"

The guard snorted, "We saw nothing! Whatever you did, it’s none of our business! Heck, I don’t even know if what you said is true or not . What kind of prisoner convoy even hires a woman as a guard? Has anyone heard of this?"

The patrolling guard shook their head . As they received the shared bribe from Hua Shi, all of them cooperated with the captain .

These garrison guards were smart crooks . They knew that if this was real, these two youngsters had to fork more gold to bribe them into talking .

As they had predicted, Li Jing took out a bag of gold . There was 50 gold in it .

"Tell me honestly, and you get this . "

The captain laughed, "Of course . A weird lone girl just entered my county, indeed . "

Li Jing and Sun Fang smirked . She tossed the bag of gold at the guard captain while they dashed into the county .

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