World Online

Chapter 215 Expedition (3)


Bright Horizon Headquarters,

"Thank you all, for coming to this meeting when things are so hectic." Jake smiled as he walked around a brightly lit conference room.

They were not discussing anything nefarious, so there was no need for the dark setting usually reserved for meetings like these.

In a round table, a table seemingly built for occasions like this, three others were seated. One of them was a red haired woman of fiery beauty, one of them an old man who looked half asleep, while one of them was a young man with chiseled features.

All of them representatives of some of the strongest guilds in the world at the moment.

"Let us get to the main course without dallying too much. We have spent a long time doing nothing but prepare." The young man seated said.

"Do not worry, Lone Wolf. This wait was worth it, and all of you know that." Jake smiled as he completed his circle and took his seat.

"You are all aware of what has happened over the last few weeks within these unknown lands. I know that everyone has a few spies in each of these guilds, and you have started gathering information on how to go about things." he said.

"But everyone will always stop before a single point." Jake said as he clapped his hands.

The moment he did, a holographic screen appeared in the center of the table, with its blue light reflecting in everyone\'s eyes.

It was a map. One of Gaia.

The Eastern Continent that they were on was clearly shown, and then, there was just empty land that had no details within.

No borders, nothing within.

"These are the unknown lands on either side of the eastern continent." Jake said as a laser pointer pointed to the west and east sides of the continent.

"Just like the real world, I think that Gaia is spherical. And that can only mean that going west or east will only give us a single destination." Jake said.

"All the NPCs have talked about it for a long time. Rumors of a long lost continent that has treasures that no longer exist in the eastern continent."

"Sure, we do not lack anything here. But to go to a foreign land and obtain so much more there, isn\'t that more thrilling? That is the whole goal of this expedition in the game." Jake said as the laser pointer disappeared.

"Now the place where everyone stops. The one checkpoint that no one can get past." Jake rubbed his hands.

"Single combat against a monster that no one in Gaia could defeat. If you know of its existence, you will understand why I waited for so long. This monster is too strong to just go against as a Tier One player."

"We needed strong players in the second tier. Asking for the third tier is asking for too much after all." He chuckled.

"That one fight, you can all leave to me. I have that covered." Jake smiled and said.

"That is an arrogant claim, Shadow King." The young man, Lone Wolf, said.

"Every other guild, guilds which spent millions of dollars on their assets, couldn\'t defeat this monster. What makes you so confident?" He asked.

"The monster. It\'s properties. I know you are aware of them. A monster so swift and calculative that no player can even approach it."

"Well, why approach it in the first place. Why not have an archer who is strong enough to go against such a monster? I am sure Horace will agree with what I am talking about." Jake winked at Nolan.

"You want to send him up so early? Interesting. Do you think he can do it?" Nolan smiled as he asked.

"He reached the second tier a few weeks ago, and spent the last few weeks grinding as much as he can. He is the right one to go agains the monster. And if he can\'t do it, I will step in myself. I am confident that I can handle a beast like that. But it will cost me a little." Jake said.

"Fine. When the time comes, if you fail to deliver, then we will have to think the leadership of this alliance." Lone Wolf grunted.

"Definitely. This will be a good chance to show you how worthy we are of this duty that you all trusted on us." Jake smiled.

"Good. Good. Now then, let us talk about the expedition itself." Phoenix nodded.

"All of us know that there are two sets of unknown lands. Both of them have similar trials, but once you commit to one side, you are not allowed to go to the other. That is why almost everyone chose the west." Phoenix said.

"Indeed. All of our competitor guilds chose the west. That is because once a checkpoint has been cleared, the other guilds can start working from that checkpoint, to clear the second, maybe the third." Jake explained.

"And once you start compounding these contributions, if more and more guilds enter the western path, that will definitely get cleared faster than the east." Jake nodded.

"But that is where comes the biggest problem. Do we want to face competition? Or do we want an absolute monopoly?"

He swept his glance across the ones in the room.

"We will take the eastern route. A similar first checkpoint, but we cannot be sure if it is harder than the western route as the there checkpoints will become hurdles."

"In doing so, we can also make a statement, A statement that says that no one will be able to touch us as we go through the eastern path."

"You make many a bold claim, Shadow King." Lone Wolf stood up.

"But since some things that you said make sense, I will listen to you this once. We shall all meet at the eastern edge of the world on the day after tomorrow. I am sure, travel is an expense that all of us are willing to spend?"

There was not a word of dissent in the room, and with that, the meeting concluded.



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