Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 460 460-The Power of the Seven Hells

Chapter 460 Chapter 460-The Power of the Seven Hells

"Ah, I am hungry~"

With those words, Zach\'s mouth opened wide, and a dark maw emerged, a vortex of pure darkness that seemed to consume all light. From Nirn\'s broken form, a luminous essence began to emerge, slowly but irresistibly drawn toward Zach\'s yawning abyss.

Nirn\'s soul, writhing and struggling, was sucked out of his lifeless body. As it approached the precipice of Zach\'s gaping void, it was devoured entirely, vanishing into the depths of the demonic abyss. A sense of finality hung in the air as Zach absorbed the last vestiges of Nirn\'s malevolence.

With a simple, dismissive wave of his hand, Zach cast Nirn\'s lifeless body far into the sky. The broken form arched through the heavens, tumbling end over end, and finally crashed to the ground near the portal to the first hell. The impact was violent, and Nirn\'s grotesque state left a chilling sight for any who beheld it.

As the Hell\'s Spirit continued its mission of evacuating the citizens of the first hell to the safety of the second hell, its gaze fell upon Nirn\'s lifeless form. A mix of emotions played across its spectral countenance, and it communicated silently, [I never thought I would see a day where this would happen. Is it a good thing or is it a bad thing... I will never abandon my people.]

Nirn\'s body lay there, a stark contrast to the once-feared demon lord. His form was broken and twisted, the essence of his being utterly consumed. It was a chilling reminder of the indomitable power that Zach now wielded, as well as the irrevocable change that had been wrought upon the realms of Hell.

The world of the seven hells was forever changed, and the balance of power had shifted in ways no one could have foreseen.

As the dust settled and the echoing screams of despair waned, Zach stood amidst the desolation. His eyes, once a glint of humanity, now burned with malevolent darkness, a chilling void that seemed to consume all light. The transformation was complete.

He raised his hand, and with a mere thought, the very fabric of reality quivered at his command. The powers of the seven hells were now at his fingertips, boundless and unrestrained.

As Zach\'s consciousness waned, the power of the seven hells surged through him with an intensity that was nothing short of bone-chilling. His laughter echoed in a sinister crescendo, a malevolent symphony that resonated throughout the entire realm.

"Hehahahaha! I am finally free from all bounds," he declared, his voice warped and twisted by the unfathomable power he now wielded. His eyes glowed with an eerie, crimson light as he reveled in the overwhelming darkness that enveloped him. The very air crackled with raw energy, and the ground trembled beneath the weight of his malevolence.

"I can now destroy everything," he proclaimed, his words dripping with a cruel satisfaction. With a mere gesture, he sent shockwaves of devastation radiating outwards, annihilating all in their path. Structures crumbled, the earth itself seemed to weep, and the sky darkened with a foreboding presence.

"Ah, this feels good. So... goood!" Zach\'s voice took on an otherworldly quality, a disturbing blend of ecstasy and sadism. His body moved with a grace that defied the laws of nature, and his power knew no bounds. It was as though the very essence of the seven hells had taken residence within him, and all that stood before him now trembled in fear.

Zach had lost consciousness and control over his body, his very identity consumed by the insatiable hunger of the seven hells. The once-merciful young man had been transformed into an embodiment of destruction, a force that would stop at nothing to bring ruin to all that existed. The realms of Hell itself quaked in the wake of this cataclysmic transformation, as Zach, or what remained of him, reveled in the newfound power that coursed through his veins.

As the chaos of destruction raged around them, the imp\'s voice trembled with fear and disbelief. It muttered in a tone that wavered with dread, "This... is what I feared... This should have happened. This shouldn\'t be happening. It\'s too early. Zach was not ready to harness the full powers of my blessings yet!"

Its eyes, filled with a mixture of confusion and horror, darted around the apocalyptic scene. The imp\'s voice took on an urgent tone as it contemplated, "How did he bypass the security mechanism of my blessings? Did he meet someone who changed him? Did he find love?"

The imp\'s sudden realization widened its eyes, and it muttered in disbelief, "Could it be that he... he found the key?"

The key to Zach\'s restraint, the one who had held the power of his blessings in check, was none other than Aurora. She had opened the seals of the blessings and had been the stabilizing force in his life. But in this hellish realm, devoid of any allies or loved ones, there was nothing to temper the unleashed power within him.

Disappointment etched across the imp\'s features as it surveyed the relentless destruction caused by Zach\'s unfettered might. It whispered with despair, "This is not going to end here. He will destroy the second hell, the third hell, and all the seven hells. He will find a way to slip out of hell and unleash devastation upon the other realms as well. It will keep destroying everything until nothing exists."

It explained the reason behind the sealed gates of the hell realms, set in place by Zach\'s father, Deus, to ensure the safety of other realms should the prophecy come to pass.

The imp\'s voice was tinged with sorrow as it continued, "Zach was born to destroy everything. He is the harbinger of annihilation, the destroyer of worlds. But this... it\'s too soon. At this rate, Zach might never regain consciousness and control his powers. He will... die."

As the imp surveyed the aftermath of destruction, searching for any sign of Zach, a sense of unease began to wash over it. He should have been there, amidst the chaos he had unleashed, but he was conspicuously absent.

The imp\'s eyes widened with a mix of dread and surprise as it turned slowly, feeling an eerie presence behind it. A voice, dripping with a chilling and ominous tone, whispered softly in its ear.

"Found you~"

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