VRMMORPG: Dragomancer Reborn

Chapter 245 Efficient Butchering

Chapter 245 Efficient Butchering

"They\'re just… high." Arthur didn\'t answer here directly.

Val knew that she probably shouldn\'t have asked a sensitive question like that and didn\'t pursue the matter further.

Arthur on the other hand, knew of anyone were to see his stats right now they would find them insane for his level.



Name: Arzhur

Level: 25 

Class: Dragomancer

Title: 1. Dedicated Kestrel Village Adventurer

2. One who uncovered a secret

3. Saviour of Roran Town

4.One who survived 10 days


HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Stamina: 100%

Hunger: 100%

Experience: 0%

Free Stat points available: 110->50


<Physical Stats>

Strength: 34-> 50

Toughness: 34 -> 40

Agility: 34 -> 40 

Dexterity: 34 -> 40 

Vitality: 29 -> 40 

<Non-Physical Stats>

Wisdom: 36-> 40 (+3) 

Intelligence: 24 -> 30 

Will: 30 -> 35 (+4)

<Hidden Stats>

Synchronization: 78% 


\'The difference is… so good.\' Arthur felt the power coursing within his body.

In his one sided encounter against the Unknown Silver Eyed Mage, Arthur understood just how weak he was. So far he had been saving the free stat points as he wanted to use them when he faced a dangerous situation.

But even if he had used all his points back then, it would have still be unless. The disparity of power between him and the Unknown mage was simply too high. Even with all the points used, he would still have been inflicted with the Great Terror.

As such, he knew the only way to get faster was to strengthen himself with the free points and speed up the rate at which he hunted. 

Of course, he didn\'t let go of all caution and still kept 50 free points as a backup.

\'I can use them to endure some situations. If I pour all 50 points into defense, I\'d be able to block blows better than Brambles or if I pour them in Agility, I\'d be able to run away too.

Or if I put them in strength… I\'ll be able to deliver a very heavy blow when needed.\' Arthur thought to himself.

Plus Arthur was already intending to hunt more Draconids to get more stat points through them. 

\'It\'s all for survival… If I am to survive and thrive I need more power.\' Arthur\'s resolve was emboldened. \'And to get stronger, I need more money.\' He thought and pulled the cart out of the stable.

"Where are we going now?" Val asked.

"Where did you sell the loot from beast corpses before?" Arthur asked instead.

"A couple of places. I couldn\'t sell it in once place as they said they can\'t handle that many. So I sold in multiple of them which caused the prices to fluctuate a bit." Val answered 

"I\'ll show you a place where you can sell as many as you want and they will always buy it." Arthur replied. "But first you gotta help me with some stuff." He asked.

"Sure!" Val was ready.

Arthur dragged the cart and took her to a place she had never been too. This was an area that was protected by guards as well and only NPCs seemed to have entry here. It was clear that the Player\'s actions had gotten them to increase the security.

"Halt!" The guards stopped Arthur since he was bringing a cart with him.

"What are you here for Adventure Arzhur? That too with that cart?" they asked.

"I got some work inside. Got corpses to butcher." Arthur replied. "I\'ve talked with Guild Master Caleb and know about the \'shipment\' that\'s to be sent out in a few weeks\' time. Just helping them prepare for a bit." He quickly gave an excuse.

"Ah! I see. You\'re really willing to help us." The guard said with a smile. "Please, go on in. You can use any of the tables. It\'s mostly empty anyways." They instructed.

"Thank you," Arthur replied. "Also where can I put the cart?" he asked.

"You can park it near the warehouse entrance. It\'s got a loading platform which you can use to put your goods." The Guard replied.

"Alright," Arthur said and quickly went there while Val followed behind wordlessly.

The guards merely glanced at her when they passed by but didn\'t question her.

"Man, they really let you in anywhere." Val was surprised. 

"You should focus on improving your reputation in any settlement if you want preferential treatment. It is basically a cheat that can help you a lot." Arthur gave her a hint.

"I\'ll try. But what is this place? A warehouse and workshop of some kind?" she asked.

"This is the Guild\'s official \'processing\' center." Arthur replied.

"Processing center?" Val didn\'t understand. "For what?"

"For the loot of course. When whole corpses are brought, they are butchered here by the Guild\'s workers. They also buy loot from you en masse and will rarely ever reject you. The only thing is that the cost of selling here will be lower than most other places.

As such, you should only come here when you have a large amount of goods." Arthur instructed.

"I\'ll keep that in mind." Val nodded. "And you can also butcher here?"

"Of course. If you have a high enough reputation, you should be able to use it on your own too." Arthur answered. "Plus the workshop here will help you get better results with your loot. And even make it faster." He explained.

"I see…" Val wanted to witness how it would all go.

She didn\'t have to wait long and soon she was brought into the workshop once Arthur parked the cart.

The workshop was filled with multiple butchering tables as well as other equipment. Large hooks hung from the ceiling with chains, from which one could hand corpses and more.

There were blood stains on the ground everywhere and looked like they had been there for a long time now.

Strangely enough though, there was no foul smell there. Though the place was rather unsettling for new people.

"This looks like a slaughterhouse…" Val still found it creepy.

"In a way it is," Arthur replied before coming to a large table.

"I get that you\'re here to butcher corpses, but where are they?" Val asked.

"Oh yeah, wait here. Let me check the storage." Arthur replied not wanting to tell her the secret directly.

Arthur went to the other side of the workshop where the entrance to the warehouse was present. 

\'This should be good enough.\' Arthur closed the door behind him and withdrew all the beast corpses that he had stored in his Night\'s Abyssal Cape.


Soon enough a pile of corpses appeared in the warehouse.


Arthur opened the door again and dragged three corpses of Long Claw Trunel Stalkers with him.

Val who saw him pulling out the corpses was a bit surprised.

"Where did you get that?" Val asked feeling curious. 

"I had Beast corpses sent here earlier from a hunt," Arthur replied.

"Oh, is that what you\'ve been doing the past two days?" She asked.

"You can say that," Arthur replied. "I\'ll get to butchering them, you just need to put the harvested materials in the cart and bring me more corpses. Can you do that?" He requested.

"Of course. That shouldn\'t be hard." Val said with a nod.

"Alright, I\'ll get started." Arthur put the first corpse on the table and picked up the carving knife from the stand.

>Dragon\'s Insight has activated successfully<



Target: Professional\'s Carving Knife

[Durability: 100/100]

[Equipping Requirement: Butcher Skill]

Info: A Carving knife made for professionals. Has better durability and helps in reducing mistakes while butchering corpses.

<Passive Effects>

1. Butchering Boost: Butchering with this knife will improve the speed of carving up a corpse as well as give better results.


Arthur checked the knife and knew why it was so good. He used the skill again on the table that was being used and the result was similar.

All the equipment here could boost the butcher skill and sped up the rate at which people could harvest materials from the corpses.


"Let\'s get started." Arthur skillfully held the knife and sliced open the belly of the Long Claw Trunel Stalker.

The beast\'s guts spilled out which Arthur pushed to the side of the table which had a hole. The guts fell into a container below while Arthur got to cutting out the other parts of the beast.

One corpse 




Two corpses




Four Corpses 

Val watched as Arthur finished corpses faster than she could move the materials.




Fifteen Corpses

"If I can harvest like this on the field, that would be so good…" Val muttered to herself, taking a pause.

But she quickly rushed to work, seeing that more materials had piled up.




Forty Five Corpses!

In just an hour and a half, Arthur had finished butchering all the corpses!

It was the speed he wouldn\'t have had before, but with the right equipment, it was really fast.

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