Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 55 055: Black Malakai

The elevator rattled as it made it\'s way up and out of the first floor, the trip wasn\'t that long so Cole held off on checking his notifications until he was back in the store.

The moment the door slid open, Cole was face to face with the worker immediately he was out of the elevator, the smiling face was one of annoyance as Cole felt that perhaps he would have had an easier time of it if this worked had supplied a bit more information, nevertheless he had also not asked about what he was going to face and that in and out had been an oversight on his part. He got cocky, this floor was a lot harder than the previous one.

Just because he had gotten really strong enough to face off against most if not all of the threats the Nijat aliens and players could throw his way, it didn\'t mean he had become invisible. Besides he was also a day or two late to the second floor party, and quite a few other players had already taken the lead in this. He raised his arm up. For a moment, asking the worker to wait as he looked over his notifications.

[You have cleared the first floor of San Louisa Dungeon Of Hidden Depths! +5 Stat Points, +1 Iron Rank Loot Box]

[You Have Gained 23,000 Exp! Level Increased to 18! +28 to all stats, +20 Stat Points]

[+12 stat Points to intelligence! Intelligence is now Bronze Rank IX]

[+12 Stat Points to Charisma! Charisma is now Bronze Rank IX]

[Attunement is now Bronze Rank VII]

Cole ignored everything else and handed the bag filled with goblin parts to the worker. His whole foray into the first floor had taken him a little under 5 hours. It was way longer than he had expected, and that was because the first floor was extremely expansive.

And moving from one end of it to the other would have taken him a solid 30 minutes of walking at a girls pace, not to mention Killing goblins. If he had to be lenient with himself, Cole knew he was extremely quick, it would take a full party the same amount of time if not more to get through the floor.

And not because the goblins and hob-goblins were particularly hard to beat, but because of the fact that the entire floor was trapped with sac like organs inscribed with magic that exploded the very moment you stepped on it. And more often than not those traps were unavoidable.

If you knew what to look for, then you would see the trap coming, but if you didn\'t, then you would go boom. It required intense concentration and footwork to be able to evade those traps, because of nothing else but the sheer volume of them all. It was so fucking annoying.

"there\'s close to 600 corpse in there, if you need an exact estimate that would be 389, and those are just the ones in fact… well mostly anyways. The remaining 221 goblins corpses are mostly in pieces, but I got them all.

At the rate you were buying them for, I\'d say you owe me 38 silver 900 bronze, do 30 Trison and 900 Tibons.

If you would be selling the scattered corpses at half the price that would be 22 Trisons 100 Bronze… so all in all 51 Trisons…. That\'s a fucking paltry sum for almost loosing my damn life!" Cole growled out as he looked at the worker who had an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"Well this is just the first floors and kids when they first get their stats at 13 are able to clear this floor, granted of course they do it in teams." Cole furrowed his eyebrows then raised hand and placed it under his chin.

He had read this on the forum, it had just skipped his mind. There was an ongoing theory that the system of strength in general for this floor was a lot higher than the previous one, And it was speculated that it might actually scale the higher players went in this event.

So even though there were equal leveled aspirants and NPCs here, odd are the NPC would be a lot more stronger than the aspirant. Because if the strength factor of normal players is 2, then for those on this floor it\'s speculated to be 3 or 4.

[Bounty 01 of 10 Completed]

"Well I shouldn\'t keep you waiting too long Sir, all of your orders have been prepared and let me assure you, I guarantee that you would be most pleased with our work." The worker said, steering the conversation to different waters,. Probably in an attempt to calm things down or save some face for Cole.

Cole just shrugged and followed him. They made their way back to the second floor, and then even higher to a third floor Cole had not noticed was there. The third floor was more like a storage area with a couple of different rooms available.

It was a lot cleaner and there were quite a few people dressed in exquisite serving clothes in front of each of the rooms. The worker turned to Cole and said.

"This part of the store is reserved only for our VIP customers, and you sir more than fit the bill. Please come right this way." the Worker directed as he led Cole to a door with the number 7 on it. After opening it, Cole was led into a very cushy looking room, with leather seats and a very comfortable atmosphere, there were several wrapped packages on the table in the middle of the room.

"Please take your time to peruse through the wares, if you have any complaints, just talk to server at the door and ask for Bob, then I will be right with you." With that said the worker exited the room, just as the name he introduced himself sunk into Cole\'s head.

"So that\'s Bob….. doesn\'t make a difference I guess." Cole then turned his attention back to the gear on the table, and got to work identifying them.

[Night Demon Bounty Hunter Clothes Set/ Type: Cloth Armor/ Effective: Bronze Rank I to Silver Rank X/ Effects: +120% To stealth like actions, +300% Defense Against Bronze Ranked Attacks, +150% Defense against Iron Ranked Attacks, +75% Defense against Silver Ranked Attacks. Resistant to Slashing and Piercing Damage, Self Repairing/Self Cleaning/ Skills: <Fade> <Chameleon> <High Jump> <Track>/ Bound To Cole \'World Breaker\' Night/ All Sets must be worn to activate bonus.]

Black pants, with black boots having its fair share of Gothic demonic buckles. The same went for the gun belt that stretched around his waist to hold holsters for guns on his hip, and A sheathed for a sword that hung behind his waist just below his back.

The inner shirt was a midnight blue with silver highlight, the he had a black jacket with a cross hanging over a full moon. The gun belt had tiny holes in them to hold bullets, and the inner part of the jacket had sheathed for throwing knives. Bringing up the ensemble was a face mask that only covered his mouth and nose. It was made of some sort material that felt like fabric to the touch but was actually quite tough. And then finishing off the ensemble was a black cowboy had, completing the Gothic, bad boy bounty Hunter look. Cole could swear he heard some acoustic guitar playing the mask of Zorro theme song in the background.

Cole simply said with a smile " I like this…. I like this very much." Simple pleasure like these were the only thing that could bring him joy now, at least for the moment anyways…. He looked absolutely badass. A new iconic look for a new floor.

Cole shifted his gaze to what was next. He unwrapped the next bundle, short sword made from a midnight blue steel that was dark it was almost black. Running perpendicular was a groove in the middle that was red and had etchings of runes on it. Cole picked it up and hissed when he felt a sting in his palm, he tried to let go of the blade but he couldn\'t do so.

[Cursed Sword Black Kronos has Found A New Master!]

"what the fuck?" Cole asked as the sword\'s stats popped up, and it was different from everything else he has ever seen.

[Weapon: Black Malakai/ Type: Sword/ Level: 0/ Rank: Iron/ Genre: Growth]

[Attributes: Demonic/Cursed /Effects: +35% to all attacking skills, Rot curse on every 3 successive hits, all sword skills cost health to use]

[Skills: <Black Cut> <Wrath Drive> <Black Demon Swordsmanship>]

Fuck, this sword was bad news. There was no health bar or attribute within Titan Rising Online, even now in a new floor that is essentially a new universe as compared to the original Titan Rising Online, it meant every time he used this sword\'s skills he would get sick or weak. Eventually it would kill him….. or not.

"hehehe escaped a bullet with that one, thank God for Demon Constitution." Cole said as he laughed out loud with happiness.

"Now…. On to the main course."

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