Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 200 200: The 1st Wave V

[Shadow Jump]

There were no structures around here, so he would not be able to utilize this skill to the very best of it\'s abilities, however there was still enough shadows being cast by the zombies and fighters to be able to make a difference. But the fighters were all still sticking to the back of the barricade which was good, there was no reason to endanger themselves when they could fully pick off the zombies without having to risk casualties.

Cole appeared behind the Baneling Boss and swung [Black Malakai] not utilizing any skills and relying fully on his entire strength. As he did so, he shifted the black blade from a simple longsword to a massive buster sword, making it a good seven inches wide and 1.7 meters long.

Cole could almost see the eyes of the Baneling Boss widening in shock as it raised it\'s star blade to defend against Cole. It was partially successful in doing so, but the force behind the strike was not something that it was able to handle as it was blasted backwards, it\'s body bouncing over the ground and crashing through other undead like it was a bowling ball and they were bowling pins.

Cole leapt into the air then vanished using [Fade] then promptly following that up with a [Spectral Rover] as he crossed the distance to appear where the Boss had come to a stop, a [Chaos Blast] held in his hand that he promptly released a powerful beam that hit the chest of the zombie. It roared back in defiance, a hole partially bored into its black innards as it slapped it\'s hands together and released a beam of it\'s own.

Cole used [Gravity] to create a defensive dome, but to his extreme shock even that was not enough as his defense was broken through, and the beam ate up a bowl size hole from his body, barely missing his heart…. Wait! Heart? Cole quickly looked at his injury in shock, even as it was healing. The beam had hit his right side and he could see as it was closing that there were two hearts packed there along with organs he absolutely did not recognize.

"What the fuck?"

Cole asked out loud as his opponent rushed him. The Baneling Boss Zombie\'s entire body was now glowing a blackish silver, with trails of little starlight left behind as it moved. Obviously the zombie had decided that it too would take this fight seriously, or Cole had pushed it enough to a state where it had no other choice but to fight with everything it had. Cole raised [Black Malakai] just in time to lock blades with the boss, both their feet digging into the pavement beneath them as a shockwave was released with them at the epicenter.

Cole smashed his face forward into the Zombie\'s face, not at all surprised that it vanished and appeared behind him to backstab him. Cole used [Shadow Dance] teleporting with the Boss\'s own shadow in order to return the favor. But a limb of star energy surged out from it\'s back to parry Cole\'s attack as they both teleported again, each following after the other as the vanished and reappeared all over the battlefield.

Every time they met, shockwaves and sparks of silver, black, red and blue lights flashed. The display of power between those two was so epic that the fight down below had come to a complete stop. But that could also be mainly attributed to the fact that there was only about a dozen zombies left. And this was because Cole had kept the area of their fight container around the zombies, the shockwaves and consequences from the teleporting had been decimating Zombies left and right, and it seems the boss did not care about this one bit.

It was totally and completely invested in the fight between it and Cole. and Cole for the most was also enjoying himself. The truth was that he was fighting at roughly 30% or less of his full capacity, the only time he had used his full strength was when he had blasted the boss backwards. However he was enjoying the high octane fight, frankly speaking it was coming down to who was the better teleporter and who had the better perception. This was a good training regime for Cole as he pushing [Shadow Dance] and his perception to the absolute limit, these were the only skills he was utilizing and it was showing amazing results, one of which was when Cole realized that he could control whatever shadow he wanted to teleport through.

It wasn\'t at a 100 percent, but he could expand the shadow and carry out a partial teleportation, sending only his blade or a part of his body through. But all good things must come to an end as the Boss decided it was just about time to end this fight. It had not realized that through it all, he had been fighting for his life as while Cole had taken the right seriously enough to use the weapon he was most familiar with, he was not using all of the tools in his arsenal.

The zombie locked swords with Cole once again, and much to Cole\'s shock stretched forth his head to sink its teeth into the side of Cole\'s neck. Biting of a chunk of flesh and spraying blood in the air as his arteries were completely shredded. This was most definitely what the Baneling was aiming for, and probably to pass on the infection. Cole stumbled backwards, raising his hand to his neck and watching his blood stained hand even as his wounds shut close.

He could feel the infection trying to take hold, but this Boss was much too weak to be able to turn him. But the move made Cole annoyed as he had really been enjoying the fight and felt that he was on the cusp of a breakthrough. In response his sheathed his sword and growled as he exploded forwards, concrete and ruined bodies flying into the air in his sake as his claws stabbed into the Boss\'s chest, Cole\'s fingers sinking in to the knuckles.

He used that same momentum to raise the zombie into the air, ignoring the look of shock and confusion on its withered face and smashed it into the ground. That action caused Cole\'s fingers to sink in deeper into its chest, eliciting a roar of pain from it as Cole pulled his mask down and took a massive chomp out of it\'s forehead. His jaws and fangs powerful enough to crunch through bone and flesh at the same time. Before the light would fade from the Baneling\'s eyes, Cole let is see him swallow, as he looked back at the mess he made and noticed a glowing black dot in the middle of it\'s ruined brain.

Cole gave in to a sudden hunger and bent down, swallowing and chewing at the same time as he ingested the glow. He got up, wiped a hand over his mouth then replaced his mask, turning back to absolute silence. Then the system gave a notification that could not be ignored.

[You Have Devoured The Power Spark Of A Being! The Skill Stellar Space Is Available For Absorption! Deconstruction, Or Reconstruction! Make Your Choice Devourer!]

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