
Chapter 189 Pond

But now she began to cry. Lei Yin, whose hearing far more sensitive than ordinary people, was the first person who heard her crying. In his impression, Amy was not a child who can randomly cry. Thinking that she had an accident, Lei Yin rushed to her direction at a staggering speed.

When he arrived at the garden, he saw the scene next to the pond that made him super angry.

He saw a fourteen-fifteen years old teenager was pointing at Amy and loudly laughed at her. The look on the beautiful and cute Amy was the reason he made fun of her. Because her face was painted with the various big blue circles and patterns. The several younger cousins of Takeda, who were playing together with Amy, were cowering in fear, afraid to make any sound to stop the teenager.

Seeing the blue greasy marker on the right hand of this laughing teenager, Lei Yin was furious. He silently walked toward the boy and lifted him up by the collar, and before that juvenile reacted, he threw him in the fish pond.

“Splash!” The teenager almost fell flat on the pond. Although the pond was only waist deep, in this situation where he was caught off guard, he was like a drowning man, constantly struggling and yelling in the water.

“Lei!” Seeing that Lei Yin has come for her, the little girl pursed her mouth and threw herself into his arms and cried out loud.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s all right.” Lei Yin softly comforted her.

“What are you doing?” At this time, someone growled behind him. Then, the tall figure of Kanoyama Akiji rushed to the edge of the fish pond to pull his younger brother.

After the juvenile, who was completely soaked with water, came out of the pond, he continued to cough and breath heavily just like a real drowning person. His appearance was very pathetic.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Kanoyama Akiji rushed to the front of Lei Yin and shouted.

“Obviously, I am not feeding the fish.” Lei Yin dismissively said.

“Bast*rd!” Kanoyama Akiji tightly clenched his fists, seemingly wanted to start a fight.

Seeing this ominous turn of event, Takeda immediately put himself between the two people, “Let us talk, don’t give in to the impulse.”

Seeing the look on Takeda, Lei Yin coldly stared the angry face of the juvenile’s elder brother for a moment. He then turned around and walked back to his room.

“Coward, do you want to escape?” Kanoyama Akiji thought that Lei Yin was timid so he bypassed Takeda’s blocking and went in front of Lei Yin.

“What do you want?” Lei Yin looked at him coldly.

“I want you to apologize to my younger brother.” Kanoyama Akiji said out loud.

Lei Yin revealed a thoughtful smile: “If I say no?”

Seeing Masashi’s eyes, Takeda knew it was a very dangerous signal so he rushed to block the angry Kanoyama Akiji once again.

“Cousin Kanoyama, in this matter, Akito is also wrong, after all, Amy was bullied by him first. Moreover, he was not injured. Just let it past, you better take him to the room to change clothes, otherwise, it would be bad if he catches a cold.”

“Hidetoshi, what’s wrong with you, why are you helping the outsiders instead of me?” Hearing Takeda’s words, Kanoyama Akiji became angrier.

“This is not a question about who helping who, this is just a small thing, no need to make it big. Just let it go.”

“What small thing, that guy threw Akito into the pond and it almost drowned him. And you still think this is a little thing? Hei, don’t try to escape! Akiyama, Masato, stop him, don’t let him get away.” Kanoyama Akiji called out his several friends to stop Lei Yin because he saw Lei Yin was about to leave.

His classmates looked at each other for a moment and then ran to the front of Lei Yin to try to stop him.

But Yoshikawa blocked their way and said: “This is Takeda’s family matter. It has nothing to do with you. Don’t get involved with this.”

He and Takeda were well aware of the severe consequences of angering Masashi. It was very rare for Masashi to hold himself back like today so Yoshikawa did not want this matter to get out of hand. After all, he was Kanoyama Akiji’s acquaintances.

Seeing this, Kanoyama Akiji wanted to rush forward, but Takeda immediately put his arms around him and loudly said: “Don’t get into trouble, he is my good friend and an invited guest, give me face and let it go, okay.”

“Hidetoshi, if you won’t let go of me, I am not going to be polite anymore.” Being blocked by his cousin, Kanoyama Akiji can’t help but anxious.

Just then, a man’s voice suddenly came: “What is going on here?”

Several people turned their head to look, that voice came from Takeda Yifu. He was followed by Takeda Cangshi and Takeda Nadeshiko, as well middle-aged man and woman.

Seeing the soaking wet Kanoyama Akito, the middle-aged woman in a Kimono cried out and rushed over, “Akito, how can you be like this?”

That juvenile pointed to Lei Yin and said: “He threw me into the pool.”

That middle-aged woman immediately stood up and asked Lei Yin: “Why did you do that?”

“Ask your son about the details, anyway, even if I tell you, you wouldn’t believe my story.” Lei Yin knew that in terms of bickering, elderly women were almost invincible, so he did not want to make any unnecessary dispute.

“What do you mean by this?” She stared at him fiercely.

Yoshikawa came up and said: “Aunt Kanoyama, it’s like this, just now Akito drew doodles on the little girl’s face, thus my friend made such a move on impulse. Please calm down.”

Although she saw the face of the little girl on Lei Yin’s arms was indeed filled with drawings, Kanoyama Akina loudly said: “Who can prove that it was Akito who did it? And even if he did do that, that’s just children’s quarrel. But you, as an adult, actually threw a kid into the pond, don’t you feel ashamed?”

“Although, according to the law, the criminal sentence on juvenile delinquency was lighter than adults. But, there was no difference on the effects on the family of the victims. In the news, it was often said that, in recent years, the juvenile crimes in Japan are steadily increasing. It seems like the main reason is the lack of good parenting.” Lei Yin put on a social commentator tone.

Kanoyama Akina was like a cat being stepped on its tail, screaming out loud, “What do you mean by this? Are you trying to say that our Akito lacks parenting?”

Seeing Lei Yin’s mouth twitched slightly, Yoshikawa knew he would definitely speak harsh words, so he hastily went in front of her and said: “Aunt Kanoyama, both were wrong, and since this is Giyon festival, let bygone be bygone.”

At this time, Takeda Yifu opened his mouth: “Yoshikawa is right. Now we are celebrating Gion Matsuri, no need to make it big, just let it go. Quickly change Akito’s clothes.”

“But, brother....”

Takeda Yifu waved his hand and said: “You better quick, otherwise, it would be bad if Akito catches a cold because of this.”

Kanoyama Akina glared at Lei Yin for a while and then pulled his son away.

After saying that, Takeda Yifu cast Lei Yin a not so friendly look before he turned around and returned to the hall.

Toward his non-friendly look, Lei Yin sneered in his heart: Who the h*ll are you? When I first roamed the world, your grandfather’s grandfather might not even grow hair yet.

Before he left, Kanoyama Akiji glared at Lei Yin and said: “Count yourself lucky. You better pray you don’t run into me in the street.”

Lei Yin did not bother to even look at him, completely regarding him as invisible, walking away by his side while holding Amy.

Feeling that he was being extremely despised by him, Kanoyama Akiji was furious and wanted to rush and flatten him, but he was quickly pulled by Takeda.

Finally, Takeda and Yoshikawa managed to get Kanoyama Akiji and his friends to the hall, lest they renewed the conflict.

After returning to the room, Naoko immediately fetched a basin of water from the bathroom.

Lei Yin sat beside Amy, wetted the towel in the basin, and gently rubbed the marks on her face.

But because the ink was oil based, Lei Yin still could not wipe them off completely, even after he repeatedly wiped them. Therefore, Lei Yin said to Naoko: “Go and get me some warm water, as well as a bar of soap.”


Because Amy’s skin was very tender, Lei Yin did not want to use a dissolving agent like a chemical solution to wash them off and had to use a towel with warm water to slowly rub them off.

After almost an hour later, Lei Yin finally able to erase the hand drawings one by one on her face.

After he finished, he saw the little girl’s face was red by that towel rubbing and could not help but feel distressed. He regretted that he did not throw the kid into a cesspool instead of a pond.

“Kid, do you feel pain on your face?”

The little girl looked at him and then shook her head, and quietly leaned her head in his arms.

Lei Yin stroke her hair with his right hand.

Naoko quietly sat next to him and tenderly looked at her.

After a while, suddenly, there came a knock on the door. Naoko opened the door to take a look. The person turned out to be Takeda’s sister, Takeda Nadeshiko.

Takeda Nadeshiko was a very serious girl. Takeda said she was using the summer to refresh her study, therefore even if they have lived here for several days, Lei Yin and Naoko seldom got the chance to meet with her.

As with Takeda, she was also wearing a Kimono at home. After the door was opened, she first bowed at Naoko and then said to Lei Yin: “Do schoolmate Gennai have a moment to talk?”

Lei Yin nodded his head.

Kneeling in front of Lei Yin, Takeda Nadeshiko said: “I want to take this time to apologize to the little girl on behalf of my cousin Akito. For my cousin’s mischievous behavior, I sincerely apologize.”

Regarding this ritual of apology on behalf of other people, although Lei Yin felt it was somewhat redundant, he still opened his mouth to reply: “You are very considerate.”

Takeda Nadeshiko was about to speak when Takeda’s voice suddenly came through the door: “Masashi, are you there?”

Naoko immediately stood up to open the door.

When Takeda came in, he immediately saw her sister, who, like him, was somewhat surprised. Takeda Nadeshiko immediately said to Lei Yin: “Schoolmate Gennai, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave.”

After waiting for her to go out, Takeda asked Lei Yin: “What does my sister want?”

Lei Yin answered: “Nothing, just apologizing on behalf of your cousin.”

“I see, no wonder previously in the hall I saw her whispering with my brother, they were actually talking about this matter. What about Amy, are those drawings have been erased?”

“They have been cleaned.” Lei Yin said while touching the little girl’s head.

Seeing Amy’s face was all red, Takeda slightly apologetically said: “Masashi, I am really sorry, I never thought that kid Akito would do such an excessive thing.”

“This has nothing to do with you. In addition, we have lived here for many days, it is almost time for us to go back to Tokyo. I plan on going back tomorrow by plane.”

Takeda immediately stood up anxiously, “No, you guys can’t leave. You did not do anything wrong. You can’t go back because of this.”

“It’s not really about this thing. After living here for several days, it’s natural for us to go back.”

“In short, you can’t.”

Seeing him so strongly opposed to this, Lei Yin simply spread out his hand and said: “Hey, I am just looking out for you here. I have offended your aunt, cousins, almost all of their family. If I stay here, it will just make it difficult for you.”

“I don’t care about that. In any case, even that old man’s words were just farts as far as I concern, much less theirs. If you insist on going, I will run away from home with you. At most, you’re just going to provide me food and lodging at Tokyo.”

Seeing his ruffian-like appearance, Lei Yin knew it was useless to say anything, so he shrugged and said: “Suit yourself, in any case, I’m just an outsider. If your old man is going to scold someone, he will only scold you.”

To see him finally agreed to stay, Takeda suddenly smiled.

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