The Overlord of Blood and Iron

Chapter 49

Podolski’s act continued long into the night .

The reason being that he wanted Lee Chae-rin’s guards to relax their guard around him .

<Sire, please forgive my insolence . In order to make these guys relax their guards, I need to resort to these kind of methods . >

After that, Podolski and Chae-rin started laughing crazily, like two idiots .

“KUHAHAHA! Kuuuk, I’m getting drunk!”

After drinking the ground grape (grape that grows in the ground, I didn’t know that this even existed) wine, Podolski’s face turned red, as he started throwing a fit .

“Kuuu, this wine, it’s really good . We don’t seem to have this kind of wine in home, do we?”

The ‘home’ that Podolski referred to was obviously Earth .

“Hoho! This is only found in our territory . It’s realllllllly strong wine . Want another one?”

Chae-rin followed Podolski’s act perfectly . Her will to become a strong Lord like Kang Chul-in allowed her to get through the humiliation she felt .

“Huuuu! Hey, Chae-rin . ”

After drinking even more wine, Podolski started staring at Chae-rin with one eye .

“Don’t you think it’s been quite a time since we’ve shared our love? I think the last time we did was at ‘that’ place . ”

For a second, Chae-rin’s body froze from the strong words that Podolski spouted .

“Huhu . ” laughed Podolski, as he started hugging Chae-rin .

<There’s a spy here . >

Of course, it was an act .

<Pretend that we are plenty drunk . Only like this will we be able to make them relax their guards . >

“Huuu, not right now . ”

“Huh? Why not?”

“Need more wine…”

“Hahaha, of course, of course . ”

Podolski nodded his head .

“You always needed wine to make you go hot . Then later today after your plenty drunk?”

“Hohoho! Well, I guess we’ll see when I really get that drunk, won’t we?”

Unexpectedly, their acts were almost perfect . This was because Chae-rin tried her absolute hardest in order to match his act .


“Who are those bastards over there? I looked earlier, but your underlings seemed plenty disrespectful to you . Like you said, they deserve to be beaten .

As Podolski let out his feelings, Chae-rin seemed like she didn’t want to miss this chance and spoke .

“Yes, they truly are arrogant and disrespectful . ”

And she ground her teeth .

“Arrogant and disrespectful?!”

“Instead of listening to their lord’s orders, they treat her like a scarecrow, and ignore her instead . What a bunch of stoneheads (a way of saying idiot in korean)”

“Stoneheads, huh?”

“Huuu, I don’t think there are any underlings as ridiculous and unfaithful as mine . ”

“W-What? Hmph, I guess they need to get educated then . ”

As he said that, Podolski flexed his muscles .

“Dwarves are idiots . ”


“They only think of retaking their territory, and don’t know how to use their brains . Oh, did I mention that we were in a war right now?”

“Oh, you mentioned that last week . ”

“Oh, did I?”

“Hehe, maybe you forgot after that passionate night with me . ”

“Humph… Oh you!”

Now, they had almost a perfect harmony when they acted .

“Anyway, the dwarves only focus on retaking that area . They almost spent 2000 of their forces in retaking it . But do you know what happened?”

“No way . ”

“Yes . Even after spending 2000 of their soldiers, these stupid dwarves failed to take back the land . If we had spent that much of our men in striking another Lord, the story would be different . But since they do these things, how can I say that they are anything but idiots . Hohoho!”

‘Ohh, seems like this Lord also has a sort of strategy too, not bad . ’

Podolski listened to Chae-rin’s talking, and was impressed . But he didn’t show any reaction about it .

“Those stupid bastards . Why don’t you do anything to them?”

“Sigh, if only I could . There’s no one on my side . They don’t listen to my orders, so what am I supposed to do against them?”

“Hmph, I guess I’ll help you then . ”

“Tomorrow morning, I’ll help you educate those short bastards . Then, won’t you be able to your authority back?”

“Can you do that for me?”

“Of course I can . ”

“My friend has a territory 100 km from here . With my skills and his army, we would easily get rid of your stupid dwarves and get your authority back for you . ”

“If only that worked… Haha, I would be able to spend blissful days with you if that worked . ”

After that, their conversation continued for a couple of more hours, until Chae-rin finally couldn’t resist the effects of the wine and fell asleep .

“Hmm, did I make her drink to much?”

After Chae-rin fainted, Podolski took her to her bedroom while wobbling the whole way .

After leaving her there and walking away, he mumbled to himself, although it was just mutterings of a drunk .

… until he fell down on the grass and fell asleep there, completely drunk .


“Secretary Sledge . ”

The dwarf who was acting as a spy came to Sledge to report as soon as their drinking was over .

“They finally stopped drinking . ”

“How was it?”

“It was utter chaos, sir . They couldn’t stop talking about ridiculous plans on taking her authority back . ”

“Huh . The b*tch I knew would drink wine sometimes, but wouldn’t engage in stupid conversations like this . ”

They called her a b*tch in order to discriminate her, and this was now commonly said by the dwarves whenever Lee Chae-rin wasn’t present .

“As I saw it, her true personality began to surface when she got drink . According to her friends words, she become passionate when she drinks too much . ”

The one acting as a spy began talking enthusiastically .

“Sigh~ then she really is a b*tch, isn’t she . ”

“As expected, human females who pretend to act weak and nice do bad things behind one’s back huh . ”

“Yes, that’s exactly it, sir . ”

“What do you mean that’s it? Is there more?”

“It seems like they had a plot in order to take back her authority . ”

“Plot? What kind of plot . ”

“That bastard that drank with her said that he’d help her retake her authority . ”

“HAHAHA, it seems like that guy isn’t very simple either?”

“Yes, I’m very sure he isn’t very simple too . ”

“Okay then, continue . ”

“He said that he has a friend who’s a Lord, located around 100km away from here . He said that he could gather the help of that Lord and help her retake her authority . ”

“WHAT!” Sledge stood up and shouted in shock .

“H-how dare she think of bringing outside forces…”

“S-sir, please calm down . ”

“AS IF I COULD! That b*tch of a woman isn’t thinking of helping us retake Nidavellir, but rather thinking of getting outside help in order to wreck chaos and chase us out . ”

“Secretary, please calm yourself…”


“But I don’t think you need to worry so much, sir . ”

“Huh? Why not?”

“It seemed like her friend was a huge boaster . He kept on saying things on how great he was . To me, it seemed like he was just boasting, and seemed like a con-man . Not only that, his drinking habits are so bad that he fell asleep in the garden, drunk . ”

“Ohhh, so that’s how things were, huh . ” Sledge starting laughing sinisterly .

“Kuku, no matter what you do, you won’t be able to escape from my fingertips . It seems like this b*tch has no luck either . But… I can’t just leave her alone . ”

He didn’t completely relax his guard .

“Look carefully at how the adventurers behave . There’s a chance that they will make a deal with them, or try to convince them to join their cause . ”

“Yes, sir!”

“Not only that, if someone comes to try and meet her now, tell them that she’s unable . Don’t let her see anyone, got it?”

At this moment, Sledge stepped over the line that he never should have, which was betraying his own Lord .


Lee Chae-rin’s dry throat made her wake up from her sleep .

‘Sigh, I drank too much . ’

Although it seemed like she had slept for a long time, her head hurt a lot .

Well, maybe it was to be expected after drinking 7 bottles of wine with Podolski . It was already impressive that she was able to keep up her part of the act .

She stretched her hands towards the bottle of water .

No, she tried to, but she couldn’t .

This was because she was startled by the presence of a man, sitting near her .

The man had a pelt that seemed like a Black Leopard draped over his whole body, giving off a mysterious feeling, as the moon was covered by his silhouette .

“You finally woke up . I was going to, if you didn’t . ”

The cold voice was able to calm her startled heart . It was the voice of Kang Chul-in .

“Haha, Mr . Chul-in!”

“B-but… how did you get up here?”

“Through the window . ”

“The window?!” she was surprised .

Below the window was a cliff that stretched for over 30 meters, it was something that no human should be able to scale .

“It’s not that difficult for me . ”

Kang Chul-in spoke indifferently . For him with overdrive on, it truly was nothing .


“Take this . ”

Kang Chul-in threw 2 scroll of parchment to her .

“What’s this?” she asked .

“One of them is for the contract, and the other one…” Kang Chul-in spoke .

“Is a ‘death list’ . ”

It was a book that would determined who died, and who lived; a ‘death list’ .

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