Rise of Humanity

Chapter 703: Weaknesses

Chapter 703: Weaknesses

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Fa Zhaozhen was feeling extremely uneasy and secretly cursed in his heart to the fact that Zhong Yue actually brought eighteen celestial emperors and demon emperors to see him!

He recognized these eighteen celestial emperors and demon emperors and has seen them before. They were the famous Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud, each and everyone of them were battle-hardened experts that could easily hold the post of Realm Lords or even the Heavenly Kings in the Heaven Court!

Among them, Heavenly King Lu was the most powerful of all. He has cultivated to a stage just a hair’s breadth away from the level of Creator, and was much more powerful than Fa Zhaozhen.

Even though the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud were now crippled and their strengths greatly damaged, their cultivation level was still there and was definitely able to defeat him like a group of adults picking on a child.

I just want to talk to him and tell him not to stir any more troubles and yet this brat brought the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud to threaten me. What a freak, he isn’t willing to calm down and listen to a few words. And I still talked good about him in front of the Realm Monarch! Fa Zhaozhen whined in his heart.

Little did he know, he has wrongly accused of Zhong Yue. It wasn’t that Zhong Yue wanted to use the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud to threaten him, but the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud heeds to King Geng’s instructions and followed him closely all the time, not even Zhong Yue could stop them.

Zhong Yue was originally smiling and was planning to admit his mistake to Fa Zhaozhen. After all, he has brought many troubles to the Realm Lord and Zhong Yue too was feeling very apologetic. However, Zhong Yue didn’t expect Fa Zhaozhen to change his expression so fast.

Heavenly King Lu said, “Realm Lord Fa, thank you for the covering King Zhong in front of the Realm Monarch. Realm Lord, you are also a good person, I admire you.”

Fa Zhaozhen’s face changed drastically and waved his hand quickly, “Please don’t say so, don’t say so! If you praise me as shameless, that I am scum, I will be very happy. But if you say that I am a good person, then you’d better off just kill me! You Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud are the most loyal men I’ve ever came across, and yet your ends are the worst I’ve ever known. I am unfaithful and unjust, despicable, shameless, and a thug but I live a luxurious life with countless beautiful wives. Do not put loyalty to the context as I am as it will only bring misfortunes upon me.”

Zhong Yue was stunned, he never knew loyalty and good deeds could be put in such a way, as a sign of tragedy?

“Realm Lord, now King Geng is no longer here with us. The rest of the nine Qi Practitioners may not be able to compete with the Qi Practitioners from the Earth Realm, Celestial Realm, Myriad Realm, and Elemental Realm.”

Zhong Yue thought and said, “I wonder if Realm Lord can give us some guidance?”

Fa Zhaozhen smiled, “How could I decline as your triumphs relates closely to my personal reputations? But why did you look for me when you have the best teachers just right beside you?”

Zhong Yue was surprised, he looked at the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud as he thought, They are already blind, can they still give us guidance? Can they still do better than Fa Zhaozhen?

Fa Zhaozhen conversed with him for another few moments and raised his cup of tea as a sign for them to leave.

Suddenly, he remembered that the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud couldn’t see and he inkled Zhong Yue to bring them away. Then, Zhong Yue left with the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud. It was quite a strange and awkward scene to look at as a group of blind men followed behind him.

When they’ve returned to Zhong Yue’s courtyard, he asked the emperors, “Brothers and sisters, is there anyway you can teach and guide me?”

Heavenly King Lu said, “Lights may cease to exist from our eyes, but our hearts are brighter than ever. The knowledge we have are still with us, and although we dare not to say we can teach King Zhong, but there will still be something we can advice you on. King Zhong, show your skills and let us see.”

Doubts repleted his heart while he held the saber in his hand. All of a sudden, a burst of saber will filled the surrounding along with the dominating aura emanating from the blinding divine saber. The skill’s power was overwhelming and its attack aimed for the Yuan Shen, it was the [God Slaying Three Styles]’s first style — [Sun Burst].

The eighteen elders, including the one-eyed Celestial Emperor Qian Shan couldn’t see his saber rays but they could sense it with their psyche and their heart.

Just as Zhong Yue was on the verge of casting the second style, Heavenly King Lu abruptly stopped him, “Wait a moment.”

Zhong Yue kept the divine saber, and the eighteen elders came together. They gathered each other’s opinions and Demon Empress Bi Er tottered forward with a black lacquered walking cane, she said, “King Zhong, they have all told me a few flaws in your skill. Just cast it out at me and I will show you where the flaws are at.”

Zhong Yue couldn’t help but prompted her, “Demon Empress, I am here.”

Turns out, the old lady wasn’t able to locate him and was talking to the blank space in front of her.

Demon Empress Bi Er quickly turned around and coughed to cover up her awkward expression, she then said, “You may cast your skill now.”

Zhong Yue unsheathed the Solar Divine Saber. A wave of majestic aura swept across the surrounding and the saber slashed down at her head with a great momentum.

However, Demon Empress Bi Er was exceptionally calm and casually, she gently lifted her cane up. A light din reverberated the courtyard, and the dominating saber rays dispersed in just a second. The cane had just lightly touched the edge of the Solar Divine Saber, and the divine saber splintered away into rays of light.

Zhong Yue was greatly shocked, the scattered rays was regathered into the Solar Divine Saber, and his heart thumped heavily. Demon Empress Bi Er’s cane had little to none arcane energy and was barely able to even inflict any damage, however, it was able to dispel the [Sun Burst] effortlessly by just striking on one single totem pattern in it.

It was just a single totem pattern in the skill that the cane crushed, but it was exactly this single totem pattern that was crushed instilled immense chaos within the [Sun Burst], causing it to erupted itself from within and caused the Solar Divine Saber to break apart.

Demon Empress Bi Er didn’t dispel the [Sun Burst] with her power, but she was the one that countered it.

Although her eyes could no longer see, her attack was just as precise as before. She who was blind sees clearer than those with the eyes!

“Cast it again.” Demon Empress Bi Er said.

Zhong Yue once again cast out the [Sun Burst], and Demon Empress Bi Er again lifted her cane. This time, the cane didn’t reach for the skill but waited for it to come and defend it.

Suddenly, the cane moved as the saber rays rained down. It gently waves like a conductor’s baton in front of her while the saber rays flashed by her sides.

Zhong Yue’s face turned solemn and he frowned. Demon Empress Bi Er first countered the [Sun Burst] by halting its flow and left it to self-erupt on its own. While this time, she has seen through the saber rays and only destroyed those that could harm her while leaving the rest flashing past.

He has only cast the [Sun Burst] once in front of them and yet, the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud found two weaknesses!

“Again.” Demon Empress Bi Er said casually.

“There is still a third weakness?”

Zhong Yue was dumbfounded, he inhaled deeply and again cast the [Sun Burst].




“That’s all.” Demon Empress Bi Er stopped, she said.

Over 1,120 times. Zhong Yue has cast the [Sun Burst] for over a thousand times and even with the Immortal Body, he was still completely exhausted and was gasping for breath!

He was flabbergasted at the number of flaws in his skill. It had more than 1,120 flaws!

He only showed it once and the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud was able to perceived so many flaws!

Zhong Yue wasn’t even aware of these flaws at all, he has never perceived them before and he still thought that the [Sun Burst] was near perfection. Then all of sudden, Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud pointed out over a thousand flaws in just a glimpse!

One has to admit, it was a huge blow to his confidence.

“King Zhong is still a True Spirit cultivator. It is very appalling for one like you to be able to reduce the flaws to only a thousand over. No wonder King Geng wants to be your sworn brother.” Heavenly King Lu smiled as he praised.

Zhong Yue’s face was reddish and he said, “Let me have take a break and I will come back to you again.”

He closed his eyes and calmed his heart. The totem patterns turned into the Yang and Yin lines, constantly calculating as he improve and perfects the [Sun Burst].

After a long time, Zhong Yue jumped up and smiled, “Come!”

He cast out the improvised [Sun Burst]. It was stronger and better. After he cast it, the eighteen elders gathered together to discuss and a few moments later, Demon Empress Bi Er walked out with her cane.

Zhong Yue was disappointed, he asked, “There are still flaws in it?”

Demon Empress Bi Er smiled and said, “King Zhong, where can one find a perfect skill with no flaws? As long as it’s a skill, there will be some shortcomings. But king, you are already very good, this time there are only 214 flaws. Let’s get started.”

A few days later, Zhong Yue was calmly casting the [Sun Burst] that has undergone over a dozen of improvements. The eighteen elders gathered together, and again, Demon Empress Bi Er walked out with her walking cane. However, this time, she said and smiled, “King Zhong may show us the next skill now.”

Zhong Yue was overjoyed and quickly asked, “My [Sun Burst] has no flaws anymore?”

“Not that it doesn’t have anymore flaws, but it’s us that can’t perceive it.” Demon Empress Bi Er smiled and replied, “There are many stronger presence somewhere out there in this world, countless experts that are far greater than us. We can’t perceive anymore flaws in your skill but someone stronger may still be able to see a tons of them.”

Zhong Yue nodded, the Solar Divine Saber in his hand suddenly turned into a saber sheath, and he held on the saber sheathed in it. The totem patterns around him turned into the Yang and Yin lines as he cast out the second style of the [God Slaying Three Styles]—[Moon Tide].

He was full of confidence in the [Moon Tide]. It was praised by Fa Zhaozhen as the true divine saber, it trembled the whole of Heaven Realm and was the only skill he thinks that has no flaw!

The Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud came together and whispered. Then, Demon Empress Bi Er tottered out and said, “This skill has very few flaws in it, but there is one critical weak point in it, which is the deductive ability.”

Zhong Yue was surpised; the deductive ability was precisely his strength, why did the Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud deemed it as the biggest flaw?

Demon Empress Bi Er smiled and explained, “What if you encounter a skill that you can’t calculate and deduce? I’ve had the fortune to learn the skill created by a Creator, it’s called the [Flower Pinch]. King Zhong, try it out and see for yourself.”

The old lady slowly cast the skill. At that instant, peach quietly appeared around Zhong Yue and were blooming gracefully, while Demon Empress Bi Er’s fingers reached for him as if he was a flower and she was going to pluck his head away.

Zhong Yue’s Yang and Yin lines were changing terribly fast as he pushed himself through the brim in attempt to find the flaws of the [Flower Pinch]. Yet, his efforts were in vain as the skill was far too profound for him to comprehend.

Cold sweat rolled down his face, and he even stepped a few dozens steps back but still couldn’t find any flaws in the skill. Meanwhile, Demon Empress Bi Er’s fingers touched his neck, with just a little bit of strength, she could’ve easily taken off his head from the neck!

Demon Empress Bi Er stepped back, leaving Zhong Yue soaking in his own sweat.

“The realms all have some Creator-level skills with them. It is possible for some of the Qi Practitioners to learn them. If, king, you are to encounter such a skill, how will you be able to counter it?” asked Demon Empress Bi Er.

Zhong Yue shook his head, “I wouldn’t be able to counter it, I can only go against it head on with sheer strength.”

Demon Empress Bi Er smiled and said, “This is the only flaw in this skill. And if you can continue to improve your deductive ability, this wouldn’t be a problem anymore. In this case, there is nothing we can teach you in the calculation techniques. King, please cast your next skill.”

Zhong Yue then cast the [God Slaying Three Styles]’s third style, the [Dao Crusher]. The [Dao Crusher]’s power was the strongest, even King Geng could only dispel it by breaking it apart through brute force!

Zhong Yue was extremely confident in this skill!

The Eighteen Emperors of Heavenly Cloud indulged for a long time, and Demon Empress Bi Er again represented the emperors and she said, “King, there aren’t many flaws in this skill, but there is a something of a shortcoming. This skill is too big, this makes it easy for the opponents to shatter it from the center and thus, nullify the skill.”

Zhong Yue was stunned and he sighed in admiration.

It was exactly how King Geng has countered the [Dao Crusher], by breaking the skill from the centre.

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