Super Ability Student

Chapter 297: wild fruit

"Wow, Lin Tian is so amazing."

The women watched Lin Tian climb up the tree like a monkey, and easily climbed to a high place.

However, the next step is the most difficult.

Lin Tian was standing on a tree branch at this time, and the wild fruits were at the ends of the branches. He had to step on the branches to keep going up if he wanted to collect wild fruits. But these branches are relatively slender, it is difficult to bear the weight of a person.

"Lin Tian can\'t do it, just come down, safety first."

Shen Mengyi was a little worried. She was actually the person in charge of this event. If something really happened, she couldn\'t get rid of it.

"Lin Tian, ​​you are the best!"

Contrary to Shen Mengyi, Bu Mengting shouted to cheer.

Bu Mengting has been with Lin Tian for a long time. Lin Tian can always create miracles, and will never do things that are uncertain.

The people under Lin Tianchong smiled slightly, revealing a smile like a sun.

Then he walked forward step by step. To the few people under the tree, he was very surprised that Lin Tian stepped on the branches and didn\'t make the branches bend.

Of course, this was Lin Tian\'s flying technique. In fact, Lin Tian could step on the fruit directly, but that was too shocking.

After picking more than a dozen fruits easily, Lin Tian came down.

"Lin Tian, ​​have you ever practiced light exercises? That branch is so thin that you step on it without bending?"

Shen Yiran rushed over and asked hopefully.

"Yes, it\'s light work."

Of course Lin Tian was pretending to be confused. This was a wonderful misunderstanding.

However, there are also many troubles that follow.

"Lin Tian, ​​I also want to learn light kung fu, I worship you as a teacher, can you teach me?"

Lin Tian was immediately stunned by Shen Yiran\'s words. What he had just relied on was not light work, but flying skills. It was exchanged from the ability system, and it was not a trivial effort.

How could she teach Shen Yiran to be easy?

"Ahem, this kung fu must be learned from a young age. Now that your body is shaped, you can\'t learn it. There are still a lot of fruits on the tree, I will pick them all."

Lin Tian turned aside, and hurried up to the tree again.

After several rounds, I finally collected all the fruits from the tree.

Lin Tian deliberately left a few large ones with dark colors.

Counting exactly four, Lin Tian directly gave one to Bu Mengting, then to Shen Mengyi, and one to Shen Yiran. Eat the last one by yourself.

"What kind of fruit is this called? It tastes sour and sweet, a bit like plum."

"Who knows, I haven\'t seen the wild fruits on the mountain anyway."

"Just leave him, it\'s delicious."

"Save a little and take it back. It will count the points later." Shen Mengyi reminded that everyone was happily eating and a little uncontrollable.

"What\'s the hurry, it\'s still early, everyone eat more to replenish your energy. There may be better ingredients later."

Lin Tian felt that this fruit could be eaten first to add energy.

Today, everyone can only eat the food they find before night.

Although this wild survival activity is relatively fake, there are props groups. But during the day, according to the requirements of the live broadcast platform, you still have to eat the food you find as much as possible.

Everyone was a little thirsty after walking so far. About fifty or sixty fruits were picked from this tree, and everyone had eaten them.

"It looks like we have a good start. Have you rested well. Let\'s go ahead!"

This time, the direction of the Dream Girl Team is still the direction Lin Tian chose before.

Fifty or sixty wild fruits also fully proved the efficaciousness of Lintian divination. If you move in this direction, you will definitely gain.

"Have you heard anything?"

After walking a few hundred meters away, Liu Fangfang suddenly shouted.

Everyone listened carefully, and indeed they heard a patter of running water.

"It seems to be the sound of water, is there a stream ahead?"

A place with water means more food.

This is why the fish team and Lin Tao will go directly to the small lake.

However, compared to small lakes, mountain creeks are more suitable for college students to find food.

The small lake is too big and there are many fish, but it is not easy to catch. There are few fish in the creek, but it is easy to catch.

"Everyone is fast, there should be a stream in front. Whether we can eat fish tonight or not depends on this group."

Shen Mengyi took the lead and boosted everyone\'s morale.

Under the leadership of Shen Mengyi, the fantasy girl team speeded up and soon discovered a stream.

"Wow, look, there are really fish. Let\'s go catch fish!"

When several girls saw fish in the river, they took off their shoes and socks and rushed in to catch the fish.

The water in this stream is not deep, and people standing in it are probably just past the ankle.

"Go, let\'s go catch fish."

Bu Mengting also showed interest, and pulled Lin Tian into the water.

Guo Rong, the foodie, was very witty at this time, pretending to be dull and silly, and approached the quieter Bai Ruolan.

"Ah, this fish runs too fast, right? How to catch it?"

Shen Yiran has tried twice, but was ran away every time. She stepped on the water several times in a row, and lost her temper.

It was Shen Mengyi, still staring at a fish intently, which was a step or so in front of her.

"Look at where you flee this time!"

Suddenly Shen Mengyi moved, and the fish didn\'t seem to react. Shen Mengyi\'s hands went into the water, and it hadn\'t run yet.

Just when Shen Mengyi thought he was catching this fish, the fish\'s tail slapped, and it ran away like an arrow from the string.

The speed of this fish is too fast.

"Wow! Lin Tian, ​​you are great!"

Just after several girls lost their hands, a clear and sweet voice sounded.

Bu Mengting grinned and grasped a fish that didn\'t listen to its tail. The fish was about the width of a slap, and it was more than 20 centimeters, which was not a small fish.

This fish was caught by Lin Tian just now!

"Mengting, get the fish ashore and find a bag to put it in."

"it is good."

Bu Mengting carefully pushed the fish up, and a group of girls were very envious.

"Lin Tian, ​​come here. Catch one for me!"

Shen Yiran\'s domineering hands on hips roared towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tian suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed it into the water, and then caught a fish slightly smaller than before.

"Come here, I caught another one."

The stream is not deep, and Lin Tian has the blessing of scalper power. Both the reaction speed and the shooting speed are very fast. As long as these fish dared to appear near Lin Tian, ​​they would definitely be unavoidable.

Shen Yiran ran over happily, and happily caught the fish and went ashore.

Soon, with the help of Lin Tian, ​​the girls basically caught three or four fish. The harvested ingredients are already pretty good.

"With so many fish, the champion tonight must be our dream girl team."

Shen Yiran said with a proud face, as if she had caught these fish.

"Hey, sister, why aren\'t you coming up yet?"

"I haven\'t caught the fish yet."

"Let Lin Tian grab one for you!"

"No, I have to catch a fish today."

Shen Mengyi\'s temper is coming up, she is the kind of personality that does one thing, it has to be good.

Otherwise, it is impossible to become the president of the broadcasting agency in the sophomore year. Generally this position is in the hands of juniors.

Originally, Lin Tian had caught a fish and planned to call Shen Mengyi over. At this moment, when she heard Shen Mengyi\'s words, she loosened her hands and let the fish swim away.


Suddenly Shen Mengyi screamed, and then she plunged directly into the stream.

Because it happened suddenly, Lin Tian didn\'t even react, and the two people were far apart.

He rushed over and hugged Shen Mengyi.

At this time, Shen Mengyi\'s face was pale and her lips were purple, which seemed to be poisoned.

"Snake, there is a snake!"

Shen Mengyi\'s consciousness was a little blurred at this time, it seems that the poison of this snake is not light.

Lin Tian hurriedly carried Shen Mengyi to the shore and placed it on the grass on the shore.

Only then did she discover that there were two clear blood holes on Shen Mengyi\'s left ankle.

"Mengyi has a snake venom, who of you will help her take drugs?"

This snake venom is very toxic. If you don\'t quickly **** out the snake venom, Shen Mengyi\'s life might be in danger.

But those girls pale when they heard that Shen Mengyi had been poisoned by snake venom.

"Lin Tian, ​​will drug addicts be poisoned?"

Bu Mengting wanted to help, but she was afraid that she was also poisoned, so she hesitated.

Lin Tianyi thought it was really possible.

"Forget it, let me take drugs."

Straighten Shen Mengyi\'s body, then grab Shen Mengyi\'s left foot. Shen Mengyi\'s feet are small and exquisite, her toes are white, and her nails are dyed pink and exude a gem-like color.

The ancients called beautiful women\'s feet jade feet. Lin Tian saw that Shen Mengyi\'s feet should be called jade feet. Smooth and translucent, exuding jade luster.

The only bad thing is that there are two blood holes in the ankle, which is slightly black.

I can\'t take it off anymore, I have to take drugs.

Lin Tian leaned down, his mouth reached Shen Mengyi\'s ankle.

He opened his mouth and sucked fiercely, and a fishy blood burrowed into Lin Tian\'s mouth.

Lin Tian\'s tongue tingled slightly, seemed to be really poisonous.

He was very careful, controlled the poisoned blood, and vomited it sideways.

The blood vomited out was all black, obviously very toxic. Just like this, Lin Tian sucked for more than 30 full mouthfuls. When the blood gradually turned bright red, he stopped.

"Ah, Lin Tian, ​​you, what are you doing?"

After the poisonous blood was sucked out, Shen Mengyi was basically in no danger. When she opened her eyes, she saw Lin Tianzheng clutching her foot, with her mouth still on her ankle.

This pervert is actually a foot fetish? However, at this time, so many people watched, he did so, is it a bit exaggerated. If you want to Tim, you should also find a place where no one is there.

Shen Mengyi quickly retracted her foot and looked at Lin Tian with a vigilant expression.

"I\'m saving your life!"

Lin Tianxian was very wronged.


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