Super Ability Student

Chapter 1523: :What are you laughing laughing!

"Yu Fei, what\'s the matter with the Xin Song you just mentioned, that is, the squadron captain? How do I think you feel so emotional about him?" Lin Tian asked him.

As soon as he heard of Lin Tianti’s Song Squadron, Yu Fei seemed aggrieved and complained to him:

"I tell you, the surname Song is not a thing anymore. Our team is so unlucky that we are always ranked in the most dangerous place and often work overtime. In our team, many brothers have already sacrificed before!"

"All of this is caused by the surname Song behind the scenes. Who in the squadron doesn\'t know that he wants to sleep with Captain Su, this is deliberately putting pressure on her!"

"Huh? If there is such a thing, then you should react to it. Such behavior is a violation of discipline. Does your captain ignore it?" Lin Tian frowned and asked.

"Hey! Why didn\'t you say it, but it\'s useless to say it, we have no evidence at all!"

"That guy is cunning. He didn\'t have any words to express, but he couldn\'t be wrong when he saw our captain\'s eyes. It was naked, and he kept targeting us again and again, not for occupying our Soviet team. Why else!"

"He just wants to use this method to force our Su team to submit, because he knows that the Su team cares most about our safety!" Yu Fei said angrily.

Lin Tian nodded. If this is the case, it is really difficult to convict the other party. After all, there is no rule not to look at his female subordinates with lustful eyes, even if the Song Squadron really sleeps Su Yanxue in the end. , I am afraid it will not be punished in any way.

After all, when the time comes to have a relationship, it seems to be absolutely voluntary, because the other party did not threaten or force Su Yanxue from beginning to end.

As for scheduling matters, the squadron leader has the final say, and I believe that the opponent must have various reasonable reasons.

"Stop talking, One-eyed Song is here!"

While Yu Fei was still complaining to Lin Tian, ​​he heard a reminder from a teammate next to him, and Yu Fei stopped immediately.

Lin Tian looked back and saw a team of people. Under the leadership of the leader, he walked in arrogantly and came to the back of the next team.

The person in the lead looked a bit fierce, with a big waist and round holes. One eye should be blind, and he was wearing an eye mask, which made his appearance a bit of evil.

He took the people, didn\'t jump in the line arrogantly, just coughed lightly behind the line.

Soon, the people in the front team discovered that he was coming, and collectively gave him and his team a way to get out of the way and let them get ahead.

"Interesting, this guy knows how to foul the rules!" Lin Tian said to Yu Fei and Tian Xin with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Soon, the Song squadron prepared the food, and it can be seen that it had been given preferential treatment. The food served was much more than the average soldier, and he went to a special position for the officers.

"Did you see that? That is Song Zhiming, the squadron leader, because he was blind in one of the battles when he came here, so we all called him Cyclops Song from behind." Yu Fei said to Lin Tian.

"Don\'t look down on other people\'s character, but don\'t underestimate him. Everyone in his team can play well. You can see him as the second place in the hero list of the humanoid beast trial field. A person who can beat very well." Yu Fei added.

Lin Tian nodded. He knew that here, the squadron leader not only manages the six teams, but also has his own team. He also needs to lead the team on missions. Like the Jiang Hao he met today, he brought him with him. If you have something to kill the enemy, if you have nothing to do, go to pit the newcomer.

"Speaking of it, you look so delicate and delicate, and you don\'t look like a soldier. What kind of unit did you use before? The training here is very hard. Can you afford it?"

Lin Tian touched Tian Xin\'s arm and asked her.

The female soldiers who came here had their skin tanned long ago in their daily training, and many female soldiers seemed to have tanned skin when they came, and they were also very strong. Obviously, they trained very hard before. Tian Xin looked so delicate.

Who knows that Tian Xin rolled his eyes at him and said disdainfully: "You don\'t look down on people anymore. I am a good shooter. I was the first company in the company!"

"My skin is so good by nature, it\'s you who doesn\'t get tanned, but you, your big man is so white too, you should be the one who is afraid of tanning!"

"Also, we women can hold up half of the sky. What happened to the female soldiers, do you think they are worse than your men!" Tian Xin waved his fists twice at Lin Tian.

And her words also attracted the eyes of the surrounding female soldiers approving, while Yu Fei and the others were laughing.

Lin Tian touched his head in embarrassment. He really didn\'t mean to look down on the female soldier. He just rubbed Tian Xin\'s head and said to her:

"Okay sharpshooter, look at the one who threw you, remember to follow me at night, walk behind me, I will cover you, and you won\'t be troubled!"

Lin Tian blinked at her grinningly, Tian Xin patted his hand on his head and questioned what he said, saying that he was too proud, and Yu Fei also turned his head and smiled meaningfully, to Lin Tian Said that he had just arrived, and he didn\'t know the danger here, so he should not be too boastful.

Lin Tian didn\'t excuse him, just smiled indifferently, and soon, he walked to the window of the meal.

Passing the lunch box, he looked up, he was immediately happy, and he laughed directly.

Just look at Xiahou Qingyi wearing a rubber apron and sleeves, and standing in the cooking window with a large spatula. Hearing his laughter, he looked over in anger, and a spoon was placed on his lunch box. , Said:

"What a laugh! Do you want to eat anymore? If you don\'t eat, get out of the way quickly, don\'t delay other people\'s time!"

Lin Tian tried his best to stop his laughter handed over the lunch box and asked:

"It\'s not that the logistics team has a complicated division of labor, and they are all technical jobs. Isn\'t it the back kitchen department? Why come here to get food?"

"Huh! That was when I was busy with things. Now I say it\'s not busy. I have nothing to do. And they said that I can stimulate the fighting spirit of the soldiers, so they sent my old lady over to have a meal!"

Xiahou Qingyi slapped a large spoonful of rice over, and added a few stir-fries to his bowl, and his head was full of sweat.

But her appearance really stimulated the fighting spirit of the soldiers. Many soldiers were reluctant to leave after they finished their meal. They sat on a nearby table, as if watching her eating was especially fragrant.

There was another smile at the corner of Lin Tian\'s mouth. No wonder there were so many people in his line, and many teams with few people came here, obviously all coming to her.

"Okay, get out after the fight, others are still waiting!" Xiahou Qingyi waved his shovel unceremoniously.

When Lin Tian instinctively flashed back, the soup in the lunch box suddenly spilled on a senior officer.

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