My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 442: The Gods Apologize

Chapter 442: The Gods Apologize


Frank was stopped by Axitl, as he glanced at her filled with emotions.

He wanted to kill them! How dare they think that of them!

But… they had yet to do anything though.

Was it okay to slaughter someone just because of what they think about you?

After all, everyone is capable of thinking whatever they want, right?

Although Frank had such a power, and was tormented by their internal words…

Axitl, the victim here who had been even made cry by these gods thoughts, defended them.

"Stop! That\'s enough… You said that there wasn\'t any need for more fights, no need for more bloodshed… right?" asked Axitl.

"But… T-They said something so awful… And you\'re such a… good woman…" sighed Frank, gripping his fists.

"It doesn\'t matter what they think of us… I know I cried but… I already… g-got past it… We have to act more mature, don\'t be rash… Don\'t let such emotions take you away from the path you\'ve chosen. You\'re a good man… And this is why I fell in love with you." Said Axitl.


"I know they don\'t like us at all… B-But so what? We don\'t even care about this world, right?" asked Axitl.

"Well, yeah…"

"W-We are living our own lives now… I-I don\'t give a fuck what they think about me!" said Axitl, glaring at the gods who were left even more shocked.

"Heh, to think that there would be a day where you would teach me a lesson. Okay, alright, I will not read their minds again… Let\'s begin with this again, from the beginning." Said Frank.

"Now, speak for once, are you gods or chickens?" asked Judith.

"Ah! Okay, sorry! We didn\'t wanted to think that, but we were filled with so many negative thoughts… It is just the first time we truly see you, Axitl… We didn\'t had any proper impression of you beforehand…" sighed Eton.

"…I apologize. I suppose for someone who represents Law, I have thought about things that were too unholy… I can see now that you\'re a person and not… the being I portrayed you as, Axitl." Said Aladel.

"We were about to die… I saw death for once, me, a goddess whose soul is supposed to be immortal… You\'ve saved us… by your compassion, despite us being such… awful beings deep down… Thank you, and sorry…" sighed Ostris.

"Such eloquent words… You\'re really a goddess and not the entity we believed you were. Perhaps we only required more communication. But our thoughts were faster than our actions, and therefore, the young man tried it slaughter us for our thoughts which he could hear as words… I apologize deep down for such thoughts. I am a weak god, and a pathetic man…" sighed Graktun.

"The danger that miasma brings to us is tremendous, yet you were not the one that was going to kill us but him… And you protected us… Despite what we thought about you, you protected us… Such a gentle heart. I guess being made of chaos doesn\'t necessarily make an entity inherently evil… And through his rage, I can also understand that you\'re capable of an indescribable love which we have yet to experience… I apologize for this…" sighed Phylia.

"As wise as I am praised to be, I seem to be an ignorant fish who was raised in a bowl and thrown into the ocean right now. My thoughts rant more rampant than my true intentions, I should apologize nonetheless, the power to read minds, even those of gods, is something mighty terrifying… Axitl, you don\'t seem to eb inherently chaotic either, but a good-hearted woman. I was wrong, completely wrong… And I apologize, deep down…" said Endis.

"I had not seen you as something bad. I am shadows themselves. Nonetheless, I saw you as something dangerous. But that seems to also be wrong… I am but a humble God before your might, have mercy… I apologize…" sighed Aher.

"This girl\'s heart shines brighter than any star I\'ve ever seen. Yet you\'re so dark deep down too… A beautiful and perfect contrast… I was afraid of your power, btu now I am fascinated by it… I apologize for my previous thoughts." Said Qevphine.

All the gods apologized thoroughly; it was insane.

It seems that they were so terrified and at the same time moved by Axitl, that they ended changing their thoughts almost upside down…

The other heroes sighed in relief; they really didn\'t wanted their gods to die miserably…

"That\'s not enough of an apology, kneel before Axitl and ask for forgiveness, scream your lungs out!" roared Frank.

"F-Frank… T-This is…"

However, the other Gods obeyed like well-trained dogs, Frank\'s might so incredible compared to them that they kneeled and did as they were ordered, even the most prideful of gods preferred this than dying!

"W-We apologize!"

"A-Ah… W-Wait, please don\'t do this, stand up! Geez, Frank, don\'t do this to them…" sighed Axitl.

"…Fine, I am satisfied now anyways. You filthy street dogs better treat her well from now, or I won\'t be so lenient the next time, and I will make sure that your deaths will be slow, and completely agonizing!" said Frank.


Frank sighed in relief, this anger dissipated from him as he calmed down and smiled.

"Good! Now, what was I even talking about…? Oh right, now that you guys are with us, I want you to begin leveling up, first of all, we\'ll do a few contracts. Haha! I wouldn\'t really want you to ESCAPE from me." Said Frank.

"Y-Yes… Sure!"

Frank created powerful contracts with these gods, more like just an insurance. With this, them not betraying him was secured, at the very least, and they had become something close to slaves… a bit.

After this whole incident, a large conversation was held within Frank and all these Gods, where they spoke and talked about many things regarding this and the most recent events. Things were doing mostly fine now, thankfully.

After the whole thing, which lasted an entire day, Frank left with Axitl, and the gods began to slowly adapt to what was leveling up and such, the Heroes were left to introduce them into it, thankfully.


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