My Hollywood System

Chapter 114:

Chapter 114:

[ Hollywood has its own Judas, Will Evans backstabs MCA

MCA CEO, Matthew Collins made a statement in an interview speaking out against the recent deal made between Will Evans’ Dream Vision Studios and ICM.

In an interview made, on Monday during which MCA teased their latest entry into the Romantic Comedy Genre, with promises of reinventing the genre entirely, a reporter from the Tabloid Reuters questioned the Company’s CEO, Matthew Collins about ICM’s collaboration with Dream Vision and he had this to say “The MCA opened the door of opportunities for the boy. We gave him direction, we gave him the guidance necessary for this industry. We gave him the resources and he used us to make a name for himself. Then he goes and stabs us in the back. We’ve faced us, yes. But, the boy had no regard for his own family, his own uncle even, who gave him the motivation to start his work on [The Blaire Witch Project] and introduced him to Michael Elrod, our actor, for [Sherlock Holmes]. He met June Roberts on our set, used our money to make his company, and then spat on the hand that fed him.”

“While I am all for the boy, making bigger and better movies, he should have the common decency to not make backroom deals with our biggest rival. We assumed him to be a talented artist, looking to stand out on his own, but he turned out to be cut from the same cloth as Judas, or Brutus. But, its alright. We don’t mind, when he faces betrayal again, he will have to return to us either way, and we will be the last ones laughing.”

There have been confirmed reports of ongoing deals for projects between the ICM and Dream Vision, and it is safe to say, that the betrayal by Will Evans’ Dream Vision will leave a lasting impact on his future in Hollywood. Will his meteoric rise continue? Or will this be the start of the downward spiral for Hollywood’s brightest star?] – Tabloid Reuters

Will couldn’t help but laugh when he read that article, but Amanda didn’t find it amusing.

“Will! This tactic of theirs will severely damage the respect and image we’ve cultivated for us in the industry. It is no laughing matter!” She exclaimed.

Will took a moment to gain control of his amusement, and replied “It’s Hogwash, Amanda! You know that!”

“I do, Will, but the public doesn’t.” She pointed out.

“Well, Amanda, It doesn’t matter. Matthew Collins owns the controlling shares for this news agency, and going to court for defamation and libel will just add fuel to the flames, that he is trying to ignite. Yes, he’s trying to control the narrative, but at the end of the day, after the dust has settled, it is us who has the quality product for the public to enjoy.” He tried to allay her fears.

“Will, this will hurt the ratings and box office of our next projects.” She said “We have to do something about this, we can’t stay silent.”

“Well, like I said, we can’t sue the MCA, neither can we sue the Tabloid Reuters, its what he would want and expect from us. Don’t worry Amanda, I will handle it. You take care of the company, my image on social media will be divided for a while, but that is fine. It will settle down eventually.”

Amanda searched Will’s face for something, that she apparently found and nodded “Alright Will, I will follow your lead on this. I was just worried because a big company like MCA had openly attacked us. I will take my leave, sorry for barging in like that.”

“Think nothing of it, Amanda. And please, tell Alexia to get send someone with Tea please.” He requested.

“Alright, good day, Will.” She got up and exited the office, leaving the paper she had brought with her behind on Will’s desk.

Will sat down on his seat, and sighed “Now, what to do with you…”

He continued pondering the possible course of action throughout the remainder of the day, for the MCA had crossed a line that was not meant to be crossed, and as Amanda had said, something had to be done. One thing Will had in abundance at that point, was money. And money opened doors in Hollywood, and it was time for Will to make use of that money, to bring some change in one of the foundations of Hollywood itself.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone was selling like hotcakes around the world.

Warden Books was printing new editions of the books en masse. It had been nominated as ‘The Children’s Book’ of the year, by the British Literary Society. And with the millions of copies, various Harry Potter affiliated products started to rise in demand among the consumers. People wanted wands, they wanted Flying Broomsticks, they wanted anything and everything that was Harry Potter in their homes. And Will, was almost too happy to provide. Dream Vision and Warden Books had been approached by many manufacturing companies to produce miscellaneous Harry Potter items to sell in the market.

Having sold over 100 million copies of the book worldwide, the book was already starting to resemble the household phenomenon that it had been in Will’s previous life. The disparity among the consumers about Will’s image, both online and in Hollywood, just fueled the success of the book to higher degrees. The people loved drama. And inadvertently, the MCA had provided it for Will in the most opportune of moments. People who had no idea about the book’s existence found it, just because they were motivated to learn all there was about Will Evans and Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone reaped the benefits of the added internet traffic.

Amanda had been fielding calls for product licensing and supply creation from at least fifteen companies in just The United States. The ones from China were almost thrice that number. As for Will? He had been enjoying quite a few leisurely afternoons in the arms of June, in his Beverly Hills mansion.

He had almost completed the script for [Liberty City], having finalized the various dialogues and plot that were to be followed in the final rendition of the movie. He had just about achieved encapsulating the essence of GTA, in a cinematic format. He had attempted at constructing a balanced mix between action scenes, and storytelling. He had tried not to rely on cliché action sequences and physics-defying moments in the film, for while those were there, he wanted to tell a story of an ambitious man trying to climb the social ladder in a city synonymous with the hippy haven, New York City had been in the eighties.

The pre-production of [1917] was also almost complete. The lead actors Renly and Elijah had just completed the boot camp with an ex-soldier of the British military, and they had formed a natural comradery that is difficult to portray by actors who don’t know each other in the truest sense of the word. Director Lucas seemed extremely happy with their dedication and progress and was confident that they would perform magnificently.


Sparrow’s trending page was filled with various hashtags about the drama that the MCA had tried to create.

There were various hashtags like #JudasEvans or #EtTuEvans; which were equally counterargued by sparrow users with hashtags of #HypocracyAtMCA or #NepotismIsMCA etc.

Will wasn’t much affected by the ongoing online debate, for he knew that it was bound to happen. His image wouldn’t have remained perfect forever, and he would have to weather many challenges in Hollywood. So, he had decided to remain quiet for the most part, and enjoy his retreat at his home in Beverly Hills, with June to keep him company and adequately occupied.

It was on one such day, almost three weeks after the MCA had released their article in the Tabloid Reuters, June had just left the bedroom a minute ago, to head to the kitchen and Will’s mind was drifting off to the various things that he had to accomplish in the day, when she came back in the room, with a newspaper in her hand.

“Will, you have to read this!” She exclaimed, as she helped him up and handed him the newspaper.

It was a copy of the Weekend Tribunal, he absently noticed as he read the headline, and Will knew what had her shocked, though he was anything but, as his efforts had borne fruit, as the article’s headline read.

[The Dark truth of the MCA, and the Collins Family]


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