Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 318 - Neutral Planet

It was the day of departure, and the 10 prodigies that would attend the basic race gathering had already assembled.

During the last 20 days, Shane had refined his physique, and as expected, he could only break through one rank.

The first ranks to refine his physique at the Expert stage were easier, but the further he went, the more time a single breakthrough took.

If he were to estimate the time he would require to reach the perfect state of the 10th Expert stage, even 6 months might seem too little!

However, that was not a problem because Shane was already thinking of requesting a [Platinum] system mission that would give him permission to purchase the mana purification technique with 70%.

After that, he would increase his mana purity slowly while concluding one mission after another.

This was easier said than done, but Shane\'s physique and other unique traits were a huge advantage!

Once he obtained a higher mana purity and increased Cosmo\'s quality to the highest possible degree inside the basic dimensions, Shane was confident of defeating any kind of beast!

At least, as long as they were in the basic dimensions!

However, for now, the basic race gathering was more important and it wouldn\'t take long before he would be able to request his next mission either way..

Thus, he was able to stay calm, which was something that some of the prodigies were clearly failing to do.

It was rare for humans to see a single foreign race, and it was said that there were more than two dozen races altogether that would attend the gathering!

As such, everyone including Frer and Aisha were a little bit nervous, and only Miriam and Shane were seemingly unruffled.

Because they had been allotted their seats according to their strength, Shane took 10th place voluntarily, and he hoped that there wouldn\'t be an issue with that.

In the end, there would be around 300 young prodigies that were to encounter each other and problems were unavoidable with all kinds of traditions and cultures clashing with each other.

Nevertheless, Shane was curious about the basic race gathering on the neutral planet, Noa.

There were hundreds of races living on Noa, which was exactly the reason for the basic race gathering being held there.

If someone dared to attack the entire planet, the attacking race would provoke several hundred races at once. Waging war with several hundred races at once was not something one could afford under normal circumstances.

As such, the worries about being ambushed and killed were minimal. It decreased even further after the leaders and highest authorities of the basic race gathering had to sign a temporary peace treaty with the other races they were to hold a gathering with!

Even Shane felt relieved to hear this, and he continued focusing on his mana heart awakening research.

During the last three weeks, he had decided to gather even more gold coins!

Right now, the Hidden Paradise was a planet that had more than enough mana stored to sustain itself for a century, or even longer than that!

As such, there was no need to be in a hurry, and it was only when he had to enlarge his soul bound world again that the mana would deplete at a rapid pace.

Other than that, his mana consumption was negligible! Transferring several times the amount Shane could hold into his body was nothing to the amount of mana his soul bound world had stored!

After his artisans had constructed the shelter after several months of hard work, they had learned to utilize their skills in a more efficient way, while their proficiency in how to handle materials, what to do if something were to happen, and how to properly work together, increased sharply.

Thus, the profits earned by the Astral Artisans increased to a total of three million gold coins each month!

This was great, but instead of saving up everything, Shane would rather nurture more Artisans as long as it was possible!

There were thousands of applicants to his Astral Artisans and the number kept increasing ever since the news of the newly constructed RadiantRing shelter spread through PrimWeb.

Even the Starlight guild was accepting youths that had just awakened the system who wanted to become stronger, yet, had the disadvantage of belonging to extremely poor families.

Shane didn\'t want to accept everyone but neither did he want to reject all of them. As such, he set up a difficult test according to one\'s mana purity and body refining state.

The higher both traits were, the more difficult the aptitude test was, but it was still possible to reapply after a cooling period of one month after one had failed!

Shane\'s requirements were high, but that was necessary because he wanted to nurture the best of the best.

His gut feeling told him that it was necessary and instead of waiting for others to do something, Shane began nurturing poor youths who had been accepted into the Starlight guild after exhibiting their utmost efforts to cross the threshold of Shane\'s aptitude test and proving their mettle!

Funds were the least of Shane\'s worries, and his Astral Artisans earned so much that he was able to set aside more than one million gold coins as long as he paid everyone and invested the rest.

He had yet to figure out the best possible mana awakening for his soul bound world, but with enough time Shane was confident that he would find the right answer! 

Entering Noa was relatively easy because they could simply use the Dimension Portal on Igra in order to connect with the only Dimension Portal that was situated on the planet Noa. 

By paying a transportation fee, everything was concluded and the 10 prodigies stepped through the portal with Commander Nuyra next to them. 

While the young prodigies were supposed to fight against each other in order to figure out each other\'s strengths and weaknesses, the higher authorities would search for a way to evaluate the radiant mountain ring dimension\'s true value before crafting a proper plan to face the Miac alliance. 

What had astonished the basic race was the fact that the entire radiant mountain ring dimension was eerily silent, and it was as if the several Overlord beast tides had never happened! 

This made everything appear even more suspicious and most races were wondering whether the Miac alliance had found what they\'d been searching for!

In the end, this mystery had to be uncovered too, and it was only when everyone emerged on Noa, that their train of thoughts was intercepted with the difference of gravitational force, weighing everyone down.

Commander Nuyra had no problems adjusting himself to the gravitational force that was more than three times stronger compared to that of Igra. Instead, he was shocked by what he could see around them.

There were flying shuttles soaring through the sky, while a gigantic spaceship port was right next to them.

Other than that, there were all kinds of races rushing from one place to another, minding their own business.

It was only when Commander Nuyra heard someone next to him saying something, that he was shaken out of the trance that nearly made him revere the planet.

"The planet\'s mana is invigorating and every single object, be it the space ship, flying shuttles, or houses consumes a lot of mana to do things we had been empowering with electricity until not long ago."

Commander Nuyra was not sure who had spoken to him, so he turned to his left in the direction of the voice, and saw that it was Shane, who looked unbothered by the increased gravitational force!

This was astonishing, but if Commander Nuyra would have known that Shane was familiar with an even greater gravitational force, he would have been even more confused.

Most humans had never left Igra or the Primordial Dimensions that had mostly the same gravitational force, thus, it was rare to come across someone at Shane\'s age who had visited Masua several times.

Nevertheless, it didn\'t take long for the other prodigies to envelop themselves with mana to slowly adjust their body to the increased gravitational force, yet, almost everyone was staring at Shane as if he was an absolute freak.

"He doesn\'t even use mana to adjust his body to the external circumstances?... How did we not hear of such a weak monster before?" 


W E B N O V E L=

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