The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 3 - Market

A soft breeze brought the scent of wildflowers blooming in the night by the river. Syryn contentedly brushed his fingers through Milky\'s soft fur. The kitten was purring on his chest as they lay under the vast night sky filled with millions of bright stars. He had spent the day going through the bag of stolen goods and then foraging through the forest for herbs and fruits.

Syryn had a sizeable fortune in gold coins and jewellery all thanks to the nobleman. He could visit all the places Rowan had told him stories about.

"Milky, have you heard about cloud mountain? that\'s where cloud fish appear and vanish within the mist when it rains. You can only see them at the edge of your vision. If you focus on them, they disperse like mist." Syryn recalled that he had been sceptical about it when Rowan had told him the story of cloud mountain. He wondered about where Rowan was and what he was doing.

"And then there\'s Siren\'s cove, a kingdom of beautiful merpeople that consider humans their prey. Apparently, the scale of a merman can fetch quite the price at the black market. People think that it\'s a powerful aphrodisiac which is utter nonsense. It does have restorative powers when added to a tincture of wolfsbane but I doubt you\'re interested in that."

Milky meowed softly and blinked at Syryn as if asking him to continue.

"Milky, I\'m starting to believe that you understand what I\'m saying. Do you?"

The kitten laid its head on a paw and began purring. That was all the answer that Syryn was getting. He sighed and continued to ramble about potion making and ingredients till he nodded off. When some time had passed, Milky opened his eyes and focused on an ominous spectre that had been stalking the pair since nightfall. Milky exposed his tiny fangs and hissed at the entity that rapidly retreated into the fold of darkness behind the trees. The ball of fur remained alert and awake till the sun began to rise.

"Today, we are going to the market. Get inside my pocket Milky."

Master and feline split their treasure into 5 parts and concealed them in different spots in the forest. The thief had hit the jackpot with the noble family when he had robbed them. Out of the total 250 gold crowns worth of currency he now possessed, Syryn carried 240 gold crowns, 30 silver coins, and a string of copper bits for his shopping trip.

He hailed a passing horse cart carrying firewood to Maple town. It was an hour\'s trip away but necessary for his desire to shop without getting recognised. The cart passed by several crop fields and a bridge, and along the way picked up another passenger. Syryn made himself appear small and inconspicuous which was easy to do as a 12-year-old. When they finally reached Maple town, Syryn paid the driver the standard fare of 20 copper bits. He alighted at the central bazaar and began perusing through the goods.

Syryn spent his copper and some silver on a set of fine clothing and a few practical sets of clothing including a waterproof hooded cloak that was fur-lined on the inside. He cleaned himself up at a river with his fresh purchase of lemon soap and donned the most expensive set of clothing he had bought. It was the only way he would gain entrance into the finer establishments that sold some items of interest he needed to buy.

Decked like a gentleman, Syryn entered the emporium of magical goods. The salesman immediately walked up to Syryn with a welcoming smile.

"Young sir, how can I be of help?"

Having spent enough time around nobles, Syryn affected a tone of dignified politeness. "I would like to purchase a dimensional bag. Does your establishment have any in stock?"

"Oh, sir you are very lucky. We just received a dimensional bag looking for an owner. I will bring it to you immediately! Please have a seat."

Dimensional bags were rips in the fabric of reality that created an opening into a dimensional pocket. Magical engineers created such pockets after careful measurements and study of space pockets that existed alongside their own. Dimensional bags were regulated and expensive so much so that small towns like this one at the barest received one every few months.

Syryn had known of its existence from his past life because this bag would be awarded to the winner of the brewing competition which would be held at Maple town in 2 months.

"Here it is." The salesman eagerly handed him a tray on which sat a dimensional shoulder satchel that was crafted from a soft hide. It was an oak bark brown, and compact enough to be carried around by someone of his size. He would have to make a few changes so it would appear inconspicuous to wandering eyes. A small eagle was embossed on the inner side of the shoulder sling to certify its authenticity as coming from the kingdom\'s finest magical goods business.

"It has a space of 5 * 5 * 5 metres, sir. Please be cautioned, you cannot place a living thing inside. It will surely die."

This was standard for a low-grade dimensional bag, nothing more and nothing less than Syryn\'s expectations.

"I\'ll take it. Add a few quills, an Inkwell and a sheaf of lambskin parchments to my purchase."

"Very good sir. I will be right back."

When he returned with Syryn\'s package and a bill, there was an additional complementary set of perfumed envelopes. He spent a total of 220 gold crowns but it was worth every crown.

Syryn then made his way to a cottage on a hill that overlooked a sprawling arboretum.

Maple town was initially an acreage established to supply ingredients and raw materials to buyers across the eastern front of the kingdom. A small village then grew to support the workers at the acreage and it finally developed into a bustling town. The cottage that Syryn was headed to sold botanical ingredients and paraphernalia for brewing. Maple cottage, much like Maple town, had humble beginnings as a small side income for botanical apprentices. Years later, it had turned into a major business partner to several businesses within and beyond the borders of Maple town.

The scent of dried medicines overwhelmed Syryn\'s sensitive nose even as he closed in on the cottage. Milky, who was perched on Syryn\'s shoulder like an accessory, sneezed into Syryn\'s collar and drew a smile from the apprentice sorting through ingredients at a shelf next to the entrance.

He approached the green uniformed apprentice, "I would like to buy some alchemical ingredients."

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