Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 96 Using Her

He passed one to Zhang Liling, before putting on the other one himself.

"Now you can\'t easily perceive the disturbing scent of the hospital." He said as his smile reached his eyes.

"Thank you," Zhang Liling said gratefully before stepping out of his car.

She was grateful that through out the ride, from when she first entered his car, she didn\'t perceive any scent that was linked to hospitals.

It looks like Chuanli did a great job with keeping his profession away from his lifestyle.

Now, Zhang Liling has come to realize that Chuanli actually meant it when he said that he would make sure she saw no one in the hospital.

The elevator the took, brought them straight to his office.

"Miss Zhang, please seat." Chuanli said while gesturing to her with his hand.

After she has relaxed, He explained to her about the kind of tests he needed her help to carry out.

"You need to take my blood?" Zhang Liling questioned with a frown.

"Yes. We need to find out what exactly in you that makes your scent relatable and comfortable for Mr. Fang." Chuanli replied while studying her.

He made sure to take in every expression on her face.

Seeing the delay and hesitation, he asked, "Miss Zhang, are you also afraid of needles?"

Zhang Liling shook her head and said with an ugly smile, "How can I be afraid of needles when I used to be poked twice a month and have my blood drawn... I\'m used it. I\'m just scared of the thought of having to give a bag of blood and suffer from the aftermath."

Chuanli managed a smile. He could tell that there were indeed some abnormalities in the Zhang family, and he was going to make sure that he got all the information from her.

Acting casually would be the best bet to get something about her family, out of her.

"Who said that you have to give out a bag of blood? I\'m just going to take a little of if in this needle barrel. Also, why would you have your blood drawn twice a month? Don\'t tell me..."

Chuanli acted shocked and leaned away with the needle in his hand, then he suddenly leaned in close to ask with a small voice, "Do you have an incurable disease that needs you to get tested twice a month?"

Zhang Liling was shocked and mad at the same time at his speculation. I mean, how could he have that kind of thought towards her health.

Leaning away with a frown, she hurriedly said, "Dr. Li, you are thinking too far."

"How am I thinking too far? What would make you have your blood drawn twice a month? If you have any health issues, it\'s okay to tell me, maybe that could be one of the reasons Mr. Fang is comfortable with your scent."

Chuanli refused to give up, as he continued to play with her mind through his words and petty actions. Now he was sure that something was going on in the Zhang family.

He didn\'t want to ask her questions directly, as she might begin to see him in another light.

Zhang Liling was provoked by his words and blurted out the truth.

"How can I be the one with health issues, it should be my half-brother. Every time he gets injured, I get dragged to the hospital to give him blood. Apart from that, I don\'t know what that woman does with the blood she forcefully takes from me!"

Zhang Liling was full of anger after spilling the secret.

\'A health deficiency that would require a blood transfusion when the body is injured. This is a bleeding disorder. It\'s either Hemophilia or Von Willebrand\'s disease.\'

Chuanli was quick to fix the pieces together...

"Why would you think your brother would require blood any time he gets injured?" He asked, testing the waters.

"How would I know? But I think it\'s a cover up to punish me and have an excuse just to draw my blood."

Zhang Liling truly had a different thought going on in her head, which was wrong. Chuanli thought different from her, and he was right with his speculation.

"Does your father or mother have any health issue you know of?" He asked again.

Thinking that it was still related to Mr. Fang\'s health research, she replied, "They are very healthy, that I\'m sure of."

"Okay, now let\'s take a sample of your blood. This is going to sting a little and feel weird," Chuanli said as he opened the packet and took out the needle.

After fixing everything, he covered the mouth of the needle before asking her to stretch out her arm, before proceeding to tie a rope around her arm.

Zhang Liling was putting on a sleeveless dress, so it was easy to have her blood drawn from her elbow area.

Suddenly, a thought came to her head just as Chuanli was wiping that area with a wet cotton wool, and was about to poke her arm with the needle. Then without thinking she asked with a frown...

"Dr. Li, did you study psychology?"

"Yes." Chuanli replied with a proud smile. But when he raised his head and met her gaze, the smile slowly disappeared from his face.

Zhang Liling just found out that he has been messing with her, by making her do what he wanted, just like the time at the restaurant, and she was not happy about it.

"Dr. Li, you used what you know to get some information out of me, this doesn\'t look fair to me." Zhang Liling said outrightly.

She didn\'t like that feeling of being used without her permission, and she couldn\'t help to not feel good about it.

She just discovered that he has been using his knowledge to get information from her.

No wonder she felt that things were weird.

Chuanli let her arm go before gazing at her apologetically. "Miss Zhang, it\'s not what you think. I am not harming you in any way. I just felt that I should know more about you to further help with my research. This research I\'m working on is very important, so I may need some information about your family."

What a big fat lie...

"You should have asked me directly instead of using your brain to think of ways to compel me to answer to your questions."

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